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I see all these posts from girls who’re starving themselves saying ‘Ohhh I’ll stop exercising I gained so much muscle weight I don’t want to gain weight’. 

1. If it would be able to actually gain muscle when you eat only 600 calories a day, What’s the point? Muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue so you’ll look skinnier, plus muscle tissue burns more calories at rest so if it’d be possible it would only be beneficial

2. It isn’t even possible. Muscle tissue is a lot more complex than fat tissue, and the body needs more calories to maintain muscle tissue than it needs to maintain fat tissue. And think about fat tissue: Do you gain fat when you’re eating less calories than you use? NO. So why would you gain muscle tissue? You can’t build a house without material, right? So you CAN’T build muscle tissue when there’s no material (food). And when you burn 2300 cals a day (which is about what you burn when you just live normal and exercise for half an hour) and only eat 800 calories there’s no way you’ll gain muscle tissue because there’s just no material to build those muscles.
And no, there’s no such thing as turning fat into muscle. Think about it, why would your body turn fat into muscle when you’re eating less calories than you use? Making muscle is a difficult process for the body which takes a lot of energy. And maintaining those muscles takes more energy than maintaining fat. So why would your body use so much energy to make muscle tissue when there’s no energy in your body since you’re in ‘starvation mode’?  

You won’t gain muscle weight from exercising when you’re eating less than you burn. That’s a fact. Stop saying stupid things that make no sense because it’s pissing me off.