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Hey guys.  So I have a question.  Is 110 lbs an appropriate weight loss goal for someone who is...

but then my ibs made me exhausted and my heartburn flared up like a motherfucker.

its been like this all week.

how am i going to lose weight if i cant excerise because im too exhausted and sick to do it??!!

whatever. im going to go sleep my symotoms away.

Having one of those days where I feel like I’m getting no where. I feel quite heavy and  sluggish, it’s so weird because I’ve done nothing to make me feel like this. I hate going to bed feeling fat. It’s really not like me to feel like this at all.

I promise I’ll stop being so melodramatic soon, followers!

my boyfriend is in the marines, and all this long distance is making me have emotional cravings. I’ve been having some very good days and some very bad days, I just need to get some motivation to get back. The thing with me is I always work out, usually 2-4 times a day, but at the very minimum once, but no matter how many times I work out, if I eat something bad, it throws me off for a couple of days, and just keeps making it easier to eat junk the next day.

I guess what the point of this is, does anyone want to be a texting buddy or something? I need someone to yell at me and keep me on track. ?

But I just pulled all my fat so It looked like I was skinny. it looked good…. heyoo summer goal! hahaha

anyways, I’ve lost 5 lbs in about.. 2 weeks, without exercise. Just food-eating change haha. Summer+healthier food+ being able to work out + blahblahblah= losing weight. Yeah buddy.

5’7” 113.5 lbs

“It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.”

- Confucius. :)

I can’t stop thinking about the chocolate mousse in the fridge.


I can’t wait to use it! It’ll be so much easier to keep motivated now.

Hey guys.  So I have a question.  Is 110 lbs an appropriate weight loss goal for someone who is 5’2”?  I just wanna confirm that I’m not going too low.

What do you think?