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Healthy Weight Loss Tips.

So, I went thrifting Mermorial Day afternoon, as I mentioned in an earlier post, and I snagged quite...

So my aunt finally came back from the Philippines and got me the body tape measure that I ask for (which was surprisingly hard to find in the US). I therefore measured different areas of my body and didn’t really feel good about the results. 

I’ve been trying to seriously get to my ideal weight since the beginning of 2010. Although, I didn’t get really into it until last summer and the progress has been slow. I would lose some pounds then gain it back, lose it again, then gain it back. In 17 months, I have lost between 10 to 15 pounds total, which means I only lost less than a pound a month on average. Eek. Granted, I wasn’t as serious about exercising and eating right this year and I didn’t really get a gym membership until October 2010. I just feel like I should be further along now.

So now, my grand plan is to lose 20 to 30 pounds before grad school starts, which is in 3 months. 40 pounds by the end of the year in all and another 30 lbs by the start of next summer.

You can do the math if you’d like, by my ultimate goal is to weigh under 130 and my waist line to be no more than 28 inches. That’s not some arbitrary number that I picked out, that’s how much I need to weigh in order to have a normal BMI.  I know that’s possible for me because that’s my weight and waistline during Sixth Grade. 

However, sometimes I feel like I put all this hard work of going to the gym three to four times a week, 45 minutes to 90 minutes and 350-800 calories burned each time. I eat brown rice and whole grain pasta, I cut down on meat, I try to eat more vegetables and fruits, I take vitamin supplements, and I eat reduced fat/calorie sweets. I reduced my alcohol intake immensely after college and I walk at least a mile a day in downtown dc between my bus stop and my work place. 

And yet, all these hardwork is not reflected on the scale. And after I took my measurements, I’m larger than I thought. I know when I look into the mirror, my face, thighs, hips and arms look smaller and I have more muscle. I also now fit into Forever 21 regular L size dresses that are not stretch fabric and medium size belts from H&M. Work pants and jeans that I bought last Christmas are now loose by at least size bigger to me. I guess ultimately, that’s what matters, but the numbers are frustrating. 

I guess, I know, the area I need to work on is portion control, snacking, and cutting down on sweets and junk food. I love chocolate and ice cream, what a girl can do? But do, I must. 

Despite the cookie baking temptation (and falafel munching as I ate it hence the 8 falafels =[ ) I still managed to do really well!!! :D

I now realized I forgot to put the 1 T of soy sauce that was on my tofu in there which adds 8 cals, 1 carb, and 1 protein. I’m trying to tell myself crossing into the 1200’s by 7 calories is completely okay but it will be the first time I eat 1200 or more since I started this diet and I’m a bit anxious because of it. On the flip side I measure under so there’s a good chance something else wasn’t as high as I though. PLUS! My fat today was so great, only 20 grams DESPITE 13 for the falafel incident!!

Maybe I need to start working harder. 

You know how people always say that you won’t be successful with weightloss unless it’s for the right reasons?

I’m afraid that I’m doing mine for the wrong reasons.

I have never had a boyfriend.  I honestly think it’s because I’m bigger.
I was also picked on for my weight from 6th grade through freshman year.  But then I learned how to dress myself and made some friends, so the bullying stopped.

I want to lose weight to prove all of those mother fuckers wrong.
i want them to see me and say, “Damn.  That’s Ali?”
I want them to want me, and then I want to shut them down, just like they did to me.

haters gunna hate. :]

  • No eating past 7pm.
  • No eating at any restaurant that has a drive-thru.
  • No ice cream. (I work at an ice cream shop. Yikes!)
  • Lose 5 pounds minimum.
  • Run at least three days each week.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips.

1. Do not starve yourself.
I cannot stress this enough. Number one it is horrible for your body, but you’ll be shocked to know it doesn’t even work. What happens is that when you are lacking food, your body goes into starvation mode to keep you alive. It will cling onto everything you eat and turn it into fat, so instead of losing weight you’ll actually gain weight. After a while you will eventually start to lose, but when you are comfortable and go back to eating you’ll gain it all back, and maybe end up even bigger than you were previously. It soon turns into an obsession that is very hard to get out of. You will hurt yourself and your family&&friends.

2. Drink lots of water.

3. Eat lean meats like chicken and fish.
Try to grill it or pop it into the oven rather than frying. Do not add a bunch of sauces, but you can season it to your desire - Just make sure to not add a lot of salt.

4. Eat lots of vegetables.
I’ve learned that when you are making your plate, it is a lot healthier to keep vegetables a staple rather than carbohydrates or meat/fish. It keeps you full longer and its less fattening. Make sure it’s a lot of greens!

5. Get sufficient sleep.

6. Slowly cut back on the ‘junk’.
Do not take it all out at once! If your having a few chocolate bars a day, slowly reduce it to only one a day, then when you feel confident you are keeping your cravings under control, make it only once a week. Find out what foods you absolutely love and feel as though you couldn’t live without, and make sure you let yourself have a little bit once in a while. This i not a diet, but a life choice, and you are allowed to have a little bit of junk, as long as you don’t binge on it. This makes losing weight a lot easier knowing that you can still have some of the things you like.

7. Eat in moderation.
It is a lot easier to not overeat if you get a smaller plate to use. Pile up your food on that small plate and your brain thinks that your having a huge meal, so it makes you feel full easier. Also, if your daily life allows it, try to eat little bits throughout the day. It keeps your metabolism running and you end up burning more calories in a 24 hour period.

8. Exercise!
If you are serious about this, then you need to do some. Don’t do a lot all at once because by the end of the week you’ll be burnt out and likely give up like i have done many an occasion. Start out with cardio - 20 min. a day. Then slowly build up to 30 min. and then even an hour once you get a hang of it. Add strength exercises, like lifting weights and things of that nature. If you are a woman do not fret over it. It is extremely difficult to get ‘bulky’ unless your shooting testosterone into your bloodstream :D Hahaha.

I will likely add more to this list, but for now i’ll stop. I’m getting quite the headache (as usual. haha.) but if you can think of anything please send it in the ask box and if it is good i’ll add it to the list! Thank you.

…i hope i get followers, …hahaha.