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Detox Diaries: Day 14

Eating is going really well today! I’ve had a plain croissant, a few pieces of dried mango, and a glass of Emergen-C. Plus lots of iced tea, and cold water, of course :)

Total is about 300 calories. And I’m not hungry. At all. I feel totally full right now! I think it’s all the drinks. Iced tea filled me up, and Emergen-C was extrememly filling, and only 25 calories (and put it in a huge glass, so there was more to drink).

We’re having sandwhiches for dinner tonight, so that’ll add up, probably. Potato salad is my weakness! But it’ll probably add up only about 400-500 if I skip the chips (which I hopefully will!)

Feeling really good today! I’ve done a few squats (50), and I actually did a lot of walking today—amazing how much you walk around when going on a shopping trip!

Totally optimistic about all this :)

I don’t fear losing weight. I fear gaining weight.

Walk through the country side today.