Blog Archive

Quick Progress

Just over a year ago I started a self improvement project to lose weight with an ultimate goal of loosing 100 lbs (just over 8 stone.) So far I’ve lost 90 pounds. I’m hoping to loose the last 11 pounds over this summer. I say 11 because i want to loose just over 100 pounds so that there can be no question that I’ve lost the full weight. Its been very hard, and still is very hard, but I’m almost there!

The before picture is up in the progress section.

Allowed: 800





Net intake: 

Morning weight: 75.3 kg (because of the late night snack yesterday, I believe)

(updating as the day goes, always)

To help you get started, check out
This program reveals some of the best secrets to dieting and losing weight that most people don’t know.

  • How I feel about my appearance
  • How I can’t get over my ex
  • How I get paranoid when people my age look at me
  • Whenever an attractive guy looks (or doesn’t look) in my general direction

All of it. When I go running, these thoughts and feelings of mine are what will keep me going. They’re what will push me harder… My insecurities will have been the greatest source of my weight loss.

Slimquick Day 9:

-2 pills





-granola bar

-2 pills

-salad with italian dressing


-sandwhich (whole grain bread, peanut butter, sunflowerseeds, banana)

-Exercise: 36 mins

I’ve decided to FINALLY turn on some dance cardio tomorrow instead of walking around my boring neighborhood. 

i LOVE to dance. 

and I’ll check it out in the morning before I head to the studio to record my first track since 2007. I am so freaking excited!!!!

Lawd hay-zues.

June 2010

June 2011

Here are two pictures of me. One from June 2010 and one I just took. 

Last year I weighed around 220 lbs.

Today I weighed myself midday at 195 lbs. 

Still a long way to go, but I feel great. 

Uhmm im such a fatass that I refuse to post my weight :-/