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Here you go!

Whenever I feel like binging (I get cravings a lot), I do all of these things.
• Go brush your teeth. Chew gum. (Careful, make sure it’s sugar free and don’t have too much. It still has calories, but very low) Minty. Food would taste disgusting with that.
• Chug a cup or 2 of water. Maybe you’re not hungry. Maybe you’re just dehydrated. 
• Consider if you want to binge because you’re actually hungry, or just emotionally hungry. If your stomach is rumbling, go have some carrots or something healthy & low cal!
• Think about your goals, your thinspiration, all of the reasons you want to lose weight. Think of how binging will feel good for about 5 minutes, then make you feel awful the entire week. Think about how good it will feel if you resist.
• Drink green tea! (no sugar)
• Come on tumblr! Look at all the motivational quotes, success stories and pictures. 

Do all or some of these next time you want to binge. :) Remember, it’s not easy, but it’ll definitely be worth it! 

Also, anyone can message me if they’re feeling too tempted and I’ll motivate you to resist! Just ask for my msn, fb, skype etc. :)

Would anyone be interested?

I liked my outfit today.

Hmm.. This is hard because all I really try to think of is the good things that come of it.

I’m afraid that I’ll have a hard time maintaining and I’ll become fat again.

That was not a pretty time of my life.

Enough babble, here is my routine for the day, which is still somewhat challenging as I cannot move smoothly through every pose transition quite yet, but how awesome is it that I KNOW next week it’s going to be much easier? =D

AM Workout <— Did this in the morning, before I showered/ate

1) Morning Yoga for Flexibility - Beginners (7 min)

2) Yoga for Balance - Beginners (5 min) 

3) Strength Building Yoga - Beginners (7 min)

4) Weight Loss Yoga - Beginners (10 min)

5) 4-Week Strength Building Yoga - Intermediate (7 min)

Total:  36 minutes. Goes from stretching out your limbs to building balance and strength. The latter part of the routine sequence makes me sweat + loosens up my body for the rest of the day.

PM Workout <—— Did this before I ate dinner :) MMM Got my stiffness from furiously writing/thinking for 5+ hours!!

1) Yoga for Flexibility - Beginners (5 min 30 seconds)

2) Yoga for Getting Out of Your Way - Intermediate (11 min)

3) Cardio Yoga Challenge 1 - Beginners (4 min)

4) Get Ripped Abs from Yoga - Beginners (4 min) <— note, you need a yoga block, and this stuff HURTS

5) Yoga for Balance - Beginners (5 min) 

Total: 30 minutes. Stretches you out, works you through poses that require more flexibility, targets your abs and then winds down with some simple stretching/balancing. Did the cardio yoga video for the first time today O_O

I switch up my routines every day, depending on how my body is feeling and what areas I would like to improve on. If a new routine is hard, I will generally keep it in my rotation until it is comfortably doable. I like Tara because I can pick and chose exactly how much I want to do and how hard I want to work :) While this usually would make a lazy girl like me pick the easiest 3 routines and just repeat that every day, I’ve found that I’ve grown to search for a challenge after the easier stuff is done, and I actually LOOK FORWARD to starting new routines that look difficult so I can perfect them!  Bravo!

And that is my first Yoga Routine + Progress Monday!! :) Am I cheesy to say “Namaste” at the end?