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I’ll either be really glad or insanely pissed in a moment.

It sounds weird but i’m actually looking forward to the diet starting! One more weekend of indulgence and it’s here. The only thing I think i’ll struggle with is the no alcohol part. There’s just nothing nicer then coming home from work and relaxing with a beer or a glass (more like bottle) of wine.

I guess the ‘17 day diet’ sounds quite strict to most people but really it’s just over 2 weeks of eating strict with results which seem almost impossible. I’m confident about it though and i’m also confident I won’t just put the weight straight back on as there is a follow up plan and by the end of it I will be in a routine of exercising.

Current weight: 154 lbs (11 stone)

T-5 days till diet starts 

My weight loss routine has just been so shit lately, made it to the gym twice within the past 2 weeks with fucking coursework. Still been eating under 500 calories a day, although the whole “fruit juice” thing isn’t working out to be that practical, so its mostly been cereal and such. I’ve almost completely cut out any carbonated drinks, which lets me eat something instead which I’ve found to be nice. Religiously going to the gym again now that I have the time. I’m not 10.4st, down from 10.7st. Still got a shit ton more to lose, but still glad I lost like 3 pounds through laziness!

i want to follow more blogs like this :)

I just bought some Yoplait Light yogurt (I needed a break from Greek yogurt haha), and they are advertising a Two Week Tune Up where you can lose 5 pounds in two weeks.  Considering it’s healthy to lose 2 pounds a week, I figure this isn’t too unhealthy.

What you do is replace two meals a day with a Yoplait Light yogurt, a serving of grains, and a serving of fruit.  Then, you eat a dinner rich in lean protein.  You can snack on as many vegetables as you would like throughout the day.  You also have 3 additional servings of non-fat dairy, such as skim milk.  Finally, you throw in 30-40 minutes of walking each day.

I’m gonna try it regardless to see if it works, but if anyone wants to do it with me so we can track progress together, let me know! :)

Reducing bad starch to increase weight loss.

Me after day 1 of level 3 of the shred. So sweaty. I want to do another kind of workout to round out an hour .. I wish my stationary bike came with a table so I could do homework at the same time. :)

hello all! I’m here to blog about my weight loss journey from start to finish. It is my hope that if i have an audience of people who support, or want to take the journey with me i’ll be more able to keep it up. I’ve tried loosing weight by just eating healthier and “exercising” (note the quotations? haha i’ll talk about that a little later). Recently i saw some hype about this diet called the “17-day diet.” I looked up some reviews online to see if this was just another “fad,” diet made up of starving yourself, cutting out whole food groups, or exercising yourself to death. What i saw was a book that gave you a plan, meal ideas, and four steps to change your lifestyle to loose weight, but also keep it off. I purchased the book online (you can find it here, as well as many bookstores and some other stores such as target or walmart) and read it in full yesterday. I’ll make a more detailed post about the plan later, but i highly suggest you buy the book because for each step (which consists of 17 days) there are actually 17 days worth of sample menus and a good amount of recipes for them. There’s also chapters on how to stay healthy with an unhealthy family, how to deal with pms cravings, what to eat while on vacation and traveling. There’s also a chapter for people who don’t work a regular 9 to 5 job, but instead work starting in the late afternoon, or overnight, and there’s sample menus and times for how to work around that as well.

For you all to get an idea where i’m coming from, i just want to give background and an outline of me and my lifestyles. To start with the basics, i am female (as my url would suggest) and 20 years old. I’m about 5 foot 4, and my current weight, as of yesterday is 205lbs. I go to school full time (now i’m on summer vacation), while working at a pharmacy 30 hours a week. My habits, which never thought were abnormal until i started writing this haha, are not good to say the least. My summer schedule was working in the evening (usually 3 to 10 or 4 to 10), coming home, usually eating dinner (after i had already had something at work), staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning, sleeping in until 1 or 2 in the afternoon, and then going to work, and repeating the same cycle. I lived off ramen noodles and premade food out of convenience. At work i would usually buy something there (prepacked “add water and microwave” foods) or go to the pizzeria next door. To add to this, i always found myself buying candy when it was slow or i was hungry. During the school year, I would get up early (after only getting about 4 or 5 hours a night), buy coffee and a breakfast sandwich on the go and commute 90 minutes to my college. Once there, i would usually have something out of the vending machine, cafeteria, or just wait it out until my classes were over and binge on my way to work. I had zero time to exercise and i used the excuse of “i don’t have a gym membership,” to justify why i never worked out. Also, i live at home still so its hard preparing healthy food beause the rest of my family doesn’t like it. My mom keeps trying to diet, by being really strict for a week or so, but then gives up.

So here i go. Startin’ this next chapter in my life. I am happy with my body, i have no complaints about it, but for my health i want to loose this extra weight. I hope to blog everyday about my meals, how closely i stayed on this, and if i slipped up and why.

I could write for hours, but now i need to get ready for work!

see you soon :)
