Blog Archive


June 16, 2011

So I haven’t posted in a couple of days because I have been very busy working two jobs, and also feeling pretty sick. Thus, almost no working out. I have, however, been eating right and weighing myself; also, I’ve been doing crunches, too. I’ll update that.

Because I’ve been feeling sick I haven’t been eating much beyond oatmeal and this stew that my fiance and I make, so when I weighed myself this morning I was at 158.5 lbs. I refuse to count that, because I know it’s going to go back up before Friday. But it definitely felt good to see such a low number. That means I’d lose 4 lbs in as many days. I’d feel worse about that if I had done it on purpose and had I not been drinking tons of water and green tea. So I know it wasn’t water weight. It was just a combo of me working a lot and eating not much [although healthily]. So there.

Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow. No work, just a birthday party and I’m making dinner for my mom. Other than that, I’m going to basically exercise all day. Got to make up for the days off.