Blog Archive

day 12: 6/10/11

i feel like i’m doing this entirely the wrong way.

i’ll stop myself from eating granola bars, but feel like i’m doing just fine when i down dinner rolls. what is wrong with me?

no breakfast today. lunch at chipotle. i swore i’d split it into two meals, then i didn’t. i was so close to trying to purge, which i’ve only done successfully once (it took an hour). but, i didn’t. we ate dinner out too, at a steakhouse. i had salmon which had a surprisingly low calorie count, just about 200. 

still too high though. 

i keep saying i’m going to start fasting again, but i don’t see how i will this weekend. 

i will fast monday. you guys have to MAKE ME FAST on monday. send me messages. text me. call me. email me. ANYTHING. i need it. i’m headed downhill and i just keep gaining and i’m scared to step on the scale.