Blog Archive

Wearing a dress I haven't worn in forever 'cause my stomach's gotten flatter!

(I know I seem to say this every month but….)

I want to be beautiful

I want to feel amazing

I want to stay healthy

I want to get in shape

I want to feel skinny and small

I want to go back to that size 2-1 I used to be a year or so ago

On Thursday mornings I have to do a 5am run.

Sleeping Boston Terriers

It makes me angry - very, very angry.

I looked like this

Sleeping at the gym

Fine - I looked like this

angry baby

I pay attention to my speed, since it’s the shortest run of the week. It’s awful!

I run inside on my treadmill, because I fear I’d throw myself into oncoming traffic outside (true story)

This morning - I ran my 2 miles in 20 minutes and 39 seconds.

I’ll get there….


Check this girl out! Visit her blog at

That’s what 3 rounds of hCG will do for ya.

I just love a good BEFORE vs. AFTER!

I’ve had a draft of this post sitting here for a few days. I wanted to talk about weighing myself daily and how short-term plateaus need to kept in perspective. I wanted to talk about how my body seems to go through a cycle of holding onto fat for a few days, then burning it for a few days.

I originally started this post on Monday, when I was disappointed that all of my hard work over the weekend hadn’t translated onto the scales. I weighed in around 102kg on Saturday morning (an excellent result at the time), but was 103kg on Sunday night after a weekend of running, cycling, and a visit to the gym.

I was mindful of how my body seems to go through cycles: it holds onto weight for a few days, then burns fat for a couple of days. I figured it would be a good time to explain what I thought was happening and cite the weekend as the perfect example of this. I was convinced the day I dropped a kilo was just around the corner.

On Tuesday I put on 100 grams. No big deal, but still frustrating. It was four days since I’d lost any weight, but the big drop was just around the corner.

On Wednesday I was still 103.1kg and was starting to make deals with myself: “Keep up the exercise and diet, and if you haven’t dropped any weight by Friday morning we’re going to have a binge day.” After my second run of Couch to 5km week seven, I weighed myself and felt like throwing the scales through the window when I hadn’t lost any weight.

On Thursday I finally dropped some weight, but it was only 400 grams. Normally I’d be pretty happy with that, but I was still heavier than I was in the morning six days previous. Given that my goal is to lose around one kilogram every five days, that wasn’t good enough.

Then I weighed myself today — 101.5kg. Finally I’d broken through, just in time to save myself from a binge day which would put me even further off track. Now I’m back to being ahead of my goals and am re-enthused.

So, as I said, short-term plateaus need to be kept in perspective. They don’t necessarily feel short-term at the time, but as long as you keep the exercise and dieting up, you’ll get there.

I have unintentionally made today a fruit day. I love fruit. I have to go to the store at my lunch hour and pick up a couple of fruit smoothies and protein drinks.

Intake: Banana, 1 Cup Fruit salad (Watermelon, Mango, Strawberries, Grapes & Banana), & Coffee

Outake: 20 Squats, 20 Lunges, 25 Dead Lifts

More later!!

I can’t get to 155;/ does anyone have any tips for when ur at a stand-still with your weight loss?:|


Although it looks like it won’t rain today, so if the pool’s not too cold I can go in.

My internet stopped working last night, so I wasn’t able to post this. But here it is now. :)

Breakfast - 2/3 cup of granola (250 calories) with 1/2 cup of vanilla almond milk (40 calories).

Snack - Two carrots (40 calories) and a cookie (130 calories (oops)).

Lunch - Veggie Subway sandwich on whole wheat bread (250 calories).

Snack - 1 cup sliced frozen strawberries (80 calories) and a cream cheese bagel (250 calories).

Dinner - Tofu curry with rice (~400 calories)

Total: ~1,440 calories

Exercise - 45 minutes hard spinning (-~340 calories).

Net Total: ~1,100 calories

“It’s so hard to lose weight, yet so easy to lose motivation. Keep movin.”