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Weekly Update & Weigh-In

Monday: I’m happy and surprised with my weigh-in this week because I didn’t “try” hard (at all) and had a nasty run in with a cupcake and some dove chocolates. But I’m happy, nonetheless, and pumped to try this week because I am down………. 1 pound!

It’s now Wednesday. I kinda wish I hadn’t weighed in on Monday, because my home scale is showing I have lost 3 more lbs since my weigh in! Ahhh, the pressure to keep the momentum up all week! I hope will try am going to do it!

Something has clicked this time around. It wasn’t like a big definitive “ah-ha” moment or anything, but I just feel like I am going to win this time because I am in it for me.

As for life in general, things are going ok. I am sick with double ear and sinus infections (I’d rather be in labor right now, it hurts so bad) but I’ve managed to keep productivity up at home. The house isn’t a mess, laundry is done, dishes are clean and put away. It sure feels good to have a handle on something.  The most exciting thing going on right now is the Pirate Kid’s Crush.  He has a thing for a girl in his class, but is too shy/only 5/awkward to even talk to her.  Every night before bed he talks to me about this problem (our first “real” talk!) I’ve also found my newest piece of leverage.. “Shannon will not like it if she finds out you’re mean to your brother/don’t put your toys away/don’t listen to mom.” Guilt, a mother’s best friend.

Have a great week everyone!