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 I’m so close to my goal weight and also very proud of myself. I have been dieting since september (almost 10 months) and i’ve lost 45kgs. Finally becoming happy within myself for the first time ever!

Also i’m going to add if anyone is reading this and you want to lose weight, never give up because being happy and healthy is the best feeling in the world.

sorry guys i haven’t posted in a while- been so so busy with school etc. but! lost 3 kg on dukan already! slowly but surely!!! NICE!

ps, not craving anything. well actually sometimes I long for a piece of salmon…haha

Bodymedia Fit

I’ve been wanting one of these for a while now and finally caved in last night and ordered one off of It’s much cheaper on there than the bodymedia website.

Weigh-in Wednesday: June 8th, 2011

Last week: 200

This week: 198

Loss: -2

Total Loss: -36

Fuck. Yeah. For like five damn days I was stuck at exactly 200.2, and then in the past 3 days my body finally went “oh, you want that number to go down? I guess I can make that happen…” The number is actually more like 198.4, but I’m rounding tot he nearest whole number… whatever.

THE POINT? YOU SEE THAT NUMBER? That number in front of the other two numbers? You know, the one with a ONE in front of everything. Yeah. I’m out of the 200s. YEAHHHHHH.

It is supposed to reach almost 100 degrees today…. I’m working as usual then home to take care of the dog and start level 3 of the shred! Then more exercise to reach an hour and then I have to do homework, COOK dinner (I’m thinking multigrain pasta w broccoli), get copies made for my class, and maybe find some time to go swimming? My presentations for my one class start tomorrow night - we can go anytime between tomorrow and the last day of class but I really want to get it over with so I really have to work on it tonight and prepare. I’m so lazy when it comes to school lately but I have so much to do so I just want to get it all done!

I’m still focusing on eating well this week…. paying close attention to carbs and fat especially and of course sodium. Drinking my water of course and I am NOT going to order food tonight. NOT NOT NOT NOT. Dan won’t be around later, he is going on a class trip with his school to Dorney Park so I will be at the apartment alone until he gets back - probably not until after 6 and I never go and get food when I’m alone so I know I’ll cook.

I am tired of seeing the 180s on the scale. I’ve been maintaining at around 182.5 the past few days but I want to see some 170s at the end of the week.

I worked my fat ass off. I went to the gym, took a zumba class, did 15 minutes on the cross trainer, 10 running, 5 on the stair master, 100 sit ups, some weights for my arms, 100 squats and then some lovely stretches.

breakfast - protein bar 204 kcals

At the gym I burned 700 kcals

I am just choosing lunch now. I am going out to dinner tonight so lunch will have to be very small. I don’t want to go over 900 kcals today really.

I will be doing sit-ups throughout the day - goal of 500 today I think.

Oh one of the reasons I work out?

So that one day when I meet the new Mr. Glorica Calonsag, oh yeah you heard right, and he passes out in shock of my awesomeness..or the stick that I beat him over the head with..I shall use my sweet sweet muscles to throw him over my shoulder and carry him into my Woah-man cave. 

Also Umbridge/Joe Walker is my fitspo.


Breakfast - none

Lunch - roast pork salad sandwich, green tea, banana

Dinner - none

Snacks - slice of chesecake, toffee pop, orange

Water intake - 2.5 ltrs


Body attack class at gym - 45 mins.

i went to do c25k but the class was just strating so thought i’d try it out and man i felt i had worked out but i am also so unco lol

so angry at myself for not eating tea but i got home form gym then had to go to work for a meeting then straight onto a meeting at my girls school then i got home @ 9.30pm and i don’t really like to go to be on a full tummy.

I’ve been working at home today.  It’s been hectic, I had one day off and came in to 30 e-mails that actually needed action and attention. At least it gives me a reason not to put that load of washing on today…

I did the school run with littlest this morning and, blessed be, he didn’t cry!  I was so grateful because I’d been steeling myself to run out sobbing (as I usually do when I have to walk away from him) but this morning we went the quick and painless route.  I faffed around with his bag whilst still holding him so when it came to say goodbye, I kissed him, told him I loved him, handed him over…and ran!  Littlest went off with his keyworker for breakfast and I was able to return home with my mascara still in tact.  Now I’m counting the hours until I can go and collect him, and see that beaming little face when he spots me.

So, last week I spoke about the fact that I finally had to face up to my weight gain and choose once and for all, whether to deal with it or not.  I am proud to say that I have been dealing with it.  At the moment, it’s nothing drastic.  I have started to eat regularly.  Every two hours in fact.  The difference is, when it comes to snack time instead of reaching for bars of chocolate or brownies, I now eat a yoghurt or some fruit, or a couple of rice cakes.  My meals still need some focus, they are not as low fat as they could be, but all in good time.  I am conscious of portion sizes though and don’t eat anymore than I need to feel full.  I have started taking the stairs in the office instead of the lift (even when I trek the 9 floors, equalling 180 steps, to the staff restaurant and almost die) to give me a bit more exercise and so far this has amounted to a 5lb weight loss.  In five days.  I am ASTOUNDED but very pleased, and now highly motivated to continue.

I have a long way to go and many, many more changes to make but I’m happy with this as my first week and am excited to see how much more I will have lost come my ‘official’ weigh-in on Monday.

Littlest will have the happy, active yummy-mummy that I always hoped he would.