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I’m in the black.

So I’ve been trying to lose the weight that I gained last year. I went from a size 4/5 to a 9/10.

I only weigh myself once a month to keep me from going insane, but I weighed myself the other day and I’ve lost 10 pounds. I’ve still got 30 to 35 more pounds to go, but I’m so happy that I’ve FINALLY started to lose weight.

I’m starting to ease my way into a vegan lifestyle. In the next few weeks I will be cutting out meat from my diet. I think the only problem I will really face is trying to replace my yogurt and butter. I know they make soy yogurt and butter, but so far I’ve yet to find it. >:U

I already drink almond and soy milk just because I prefer the taste to cows milk.

Cheese and chicken will probably be the things I miss the most at first but I’m ready to be healthier and thinner. Plus after reading up on what they do to the animals we consume I felt sick.

After I stopped drinking almost everyday (I’ve cut out that vice completely from my diet) the 10 pounds seemed to fall off.

I was doing yoga, a fitness ball workout and jogging but I hurt my foot and jogging is really uncomfortable now. Soo…I’ve started just doing more yoga and the fitness ball workouts.

It’s hard since I’m really trying hard this time to lose this extra weight. I always feel hungry. :/ But that will pass when my tummy gets used to eating less.

I feel good about this. :)

I can’t wait until my tummy looks like this again.

Sometimes I feel so trapped in my body. I’ve been doing so much to change and its killing me but I know its worth it. Sometimes I try everything to convince myself that I don’t need to go to the gym today, that skipping one day can’t hurt. I find the courage somewhere to tough it out and go anyway…my motivation? That burn I get in the pit of my stomach when my workout is done…I’ve grown to LOVE that burn. 

The worst part is that I didn’t realize how EXPENSIVE healthy eating can be in comparison to just eating fast food all the time…

Its literally burning a hole in my pocket but, I’ve already lost 3lbs and I just started last week :)

Still have a long way to go but at least now i’m on the right path.

Check em outt!!!

I’ve eaten okay, maybe a little unhealthily, thanks to the burger I couldn’t turn down for dinner. But I’ve just been lazy exercise-wise. I had a tiring day at work so I came home and had an hour’s nap before going for a very slow 3 mile run with my sister. 

I totally just vegged out and watched a film earlier. And instead of doing floor exercises I’m sitting on tumblr feeling rather lazy.

But tomorrow is a fresh start and I have a 5k in the morning, so that should kickstart it. 

Tomorrow I have the opportunity to prepare something for dinner just for myself. Any suggestions?

I’m in the black.

And I’ve even gained weight since then…

Doesn’t help that I used to be friends with incredibly thin people… haha