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“Spend more time on you.”

Advertising Agency: DDB, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Marco Versolato
Creaters: Ulisses Razaboni,Marcos Abrucio, Cassio Zanatta, Rodrigo Almeida
Photographer: Daniel Klajmic
Illustrator: Quad Studio

I admit it. My “Kung Fu Panda Party” this weekend and inviting my nephew to sleep over was all an excuse for ME to enjoy one of my favorite movies:P Last night we watched the first movie and tonight we are going to see the 2nd at the drive-in!!! Last night I pre-made cauli-fried rice using 1 head cauliflower, 2 Tbsp each finely chopped celery, red pepper, orange pepper and red onion to give the rice a little “jeweled” look and added flavor along with 2 scrambled eggs. I sauteed everything in sesame oil and seasoned with sesame seeds and sea salt. This made it EXTREMELY easy to pass up the rice from the take-out place:D I did have the cream cheese bite from 2 wonton for a little extra treat and YUMM. Over all it was an amazing dinner and even the kids used chop sticks LOL Today I plan on having a great “induction” day so that I can save my treats for the drive in tonight. I’m taking fresh strawberries, string cheese and cinnamon-coated almonds and will probably get a cold press iced coffee from Caribou sweeted with splenda and cream as a special treat and to help me stay awake for the movie:P I’ll post a pic tomorrow from tonight:) LOL Great weekend!

I’m sooo determined right now to lose weight and a yummy yummy figure, I been wobbly for to long! I looked at the before and after weight loss tags on tumblr today. so inspiring. if they can do it can do it. I have so many reasons to lose weight and get fit. So i’m gonna do it.

So watch this space for before and afters.

i’ll get right on that.


I woke up early this morning and decided to do another weigh in.  I had been trying to do them just once a month, but lately I’ve been checking a bit more frequently as I’m close to dropping out of the morbid obesity classification.

I hopped on the scale and it read 385lbs.  That means that since September 3rd of 2010 I’ve dropped 150 pounds.  Once I lose another 3 pounds I’ll no longer be morbidly obese according to BMI.  I don’t really agree with BMI, but when you have as much weight to lose as I do, you look for all the positive trends that you can.

I start the new job on Wednesday and approximately two weeks after that I can go to the doctor and get this Reflux or whatever has been causing my yearlong mucus problem checked out.

Figures! I boast about it and what happens? I have a dream that I intentionally went over my points as I slept and wake up mysteriously a lot heavier than I was the day previous! Remind me to stop weighing myself everyday — it’ll save me the small disappointment >_<; — But hey! I did lose some regardless, and I’ll take whatever I can get. Also, I got to take progress pictures for my first 10 pounds of loss, so that’s exciting as well. You won’t get to see these pictures until the end though! I’ll probably take some where I’m clothed normally once I get to the halfway mark just so you guys can see, but for now? I’m using these highly unflattering pictures to motivate myself to change for me! 
Anyway enough about that — here’s the stats: