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Remember "Drake and Josh"...remember Josh...the 'plump' one...

This is me at my heaviest-around 170 lbs. This was Easter Sunday. I can’t stand to look at myself like this, but the fact that I’m now 10 lbs lighter and can definitely see a difference really helps. I never want to look like this again. 

todays intake:

  • Melon: 30 cal
  • Orange juice: 50 cal
  • Wholemeal bread: 100 cal
  • Apple & cookie crumble baby food: 70 cal
  • apple: 70 cal
  • Pineapple: 50 cal
  • Bun: 150 cal

CHINESE. CHIPS & RICE & CURRY. Grr : 650 cal

Total: 1170. 

Walked for 4 hours & skipped for 15 minutes. So minus 300 cal = 870. Still a shit day.

(FIRST OFF I do have to say my followers are probably getting sick of me talking about my BIRTHDAY DEADLINE… if not, then I appreciate the support lovelies!)


  1. I realize right now that it’s actually a little bit sad, how I’m counting down to my UGW more than I’m focusing on my actually TURNING NINE-FUCKING-TEEN!
  2. My family is having actual rabbit for dinner… glad I’m working late & fasting so I for sure will NOT HAVE TO EAT RABBIT… poor little fluffy thing.
  3. If I burn at least 1750 calories/day I can reach 90 by July 5th. Since that seems unlikely, (NOT IMPOSSIBLY - JUST IMPROBABLE) I’m just announcing right now that I would be heels-over-head-happy with a 95 or 92. ;)
  4. I have to go to work now… wish me luck. Everytime I close at work, I end up grabbing a pretzel/cinnamon or salt & vinegar popcorn/SOFT SERVE ICECREAM… since we have all these new flavours like cotton candy/orange creamsicle/chocolate chip cookie dough/milkshake/pralines & cream/iced capp. OH DEAR LORD, I’M PRACTICALLY DROOLING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT…

Song for the day

Seriously I can’t think of a more beautiful song right now. Laura Marling - Goodbye England (Covered in snow)

Calorie Facts:

Actually learned a little from that article

A big question that gets asked is, “Will _____ burn calories?” More than likely the answer is yes. Breathing burns calories, people!

So here are a list of not typical exercises that are fun and will still burn calories:

  • Wii Fit
  • Just Dance (the video game)
  • Hula Hooping
  • Jump Rope
  • Walking at the mall
  • Playing a friendly game of soccer or basketball with friends
  • Swimming (excellent exercise and fun during the summer!)
  • Playing with your dog
  • Walking up and down the stairs
  • Ice Skating
  • Hop Scotch
  • Lasertag
  • Paintball
  • Ping Pong
  • Trampoline
  • Bowling

Anything that gets your off your butt and gets you moving will burn calories! The more time you spend moving and the less time you spend sitting will really help with your weight loss journey!

vacation was good but im happy to be back! the time crunch got me the week before vacation plus finals.. ugh! even tho i didnt post anything before vacation i stayed current on my diet untill my second day in vegas, it was all over after that. i still got tons of exercise but today is my day back on my diet! and im weaning myself with a mt dew with my breakfast. i lost all my goal weight, my BMI is healthy and IDGAF, im drinking this soda. 

infact, im so proud of myself, im going to have a soda with breakfast tomorrow too..

Day 7: Do your parents know you’re trying to lose weight? Do they care?

My mom knows, because I’ve talked to her about it and told her I’d really like to lose weight for my sisters wedding. She tries to give me healthy tips and stuff and she’s supportive. But she’s one of those people who are skinny no matter what—she has really good portion control, doesn’t binge. My dad on the other hand probably has no idea, I don’t really talk to him about that stuff. But he’d be the one to notice if I lost a few pounds. 

Very interesting article!

…I take back everything bad I ever said about him…

O_o …