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Here is the first photo of me, my stomach to be exact, the area...

I wish one day I’ll feel confident enough to show my head and my body at the same time. For now I’m too ashamed.

? Vegan!
? under 250 calories!

This smoothie is filling enough to count as your whole breakfast, and reeks the rewards of almonds and oatmeal (see my previous recipes to learn about the benefits of oatmeal and almonds). Strawberries are also a wonderful antioxidant. The best part? It tastes like chocolate covered strawberries! 


1 cup halved fresh strawberries
1 cup vanilla almond milk
1/4 cup dry oatmeal or quick oatmeal
1 tspn unsweetened cocoa powder 

Blend all ingredients, serve in a tall glass, and enjoy!

I took a picture for this recipe this time, hope you guys like it! ?

June 13

Small Salad… which is necessary because I’ve been waiting all day long to eat at a friends birthday dinner. I’m irritated only slightly because she chose a breakfast place to eat at. Nearly impossible to find something healthy or that I won’t feel guilty about. I will just have to see how little of it I can eat without getting questioned

I took this this morning just after I got ready.

I decided it was time to stop being ashamed of who I am and do something I would have never done. 

This is what I wore out today. 

I’ve never tanned the top part of my arms before. This is new.

I feel so good with myself right now. 

Today, the 13th of June 2011, I choose ?2Lose. This is my weight loss challenge.

But today I am so stressed and so hungry, that I am going to allow myself as much fruits and veggies my heart desires. Hopefully this will prevent me from eating any junk food and anything unhealthy in general!:)

So until June 27 the following will be my life.

5:15 wake up= early morning workout on yoga mat.

6:30- Breakfast 


2:30- 4- Cardio

5-9- homework slot. 

i will lose another 6 pounds before I go. I PROMISE YOU.

if I only get a water to drink at dinner, and then eat less than half of my meal (I have no idea what I’m even getting yet!!!!) I’ll hopefully keep it under +400

dieting sucks

Here is the first photo of me, my stomach to be exact, the area of weight that bugs me the most. Here it is a little bloated from the lovely Chinese I had for my Mum’s Birthday, it is the last big thing I am going to eat, I swear, for me it’s just little portions now.