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Time keeps on ticking...

As much as I would love to believe it, there is probably no way I lost 2.2 pounds yesterday, because I ate french fries and a lot of other garbage.  I still think I probably did lose weight, but overall, my weight loss has been a little high all around, because I think I’m eating fairly healthy, I haven’t felt sick at all.

Anyways.  I think I might trade that yoga mat in for a scale.  BUT! I do feel skinnier today! 

I had forgotten how much I love this dress. Even though one of the straps is broken and janky in the back (just a tiny bit), paired with some nude wedges, I think it should look pretty good. No bra…again…Today will be an excellent day. Fasting. I’m feeling inspirational.


Multiseed deli roll (yes the top half was not in the picture!)

Deli ham, spinach, cucumber.

grapes, strawberries, apple and blueberries :)

Anything is possible

Anything can be. 

-Words of Wisdom

I have OCD in regards to numbers. Say for example, i’m on an exercise machine, the calories/kms/time all have to be multiples of 5 (100, 345, 450 etc) before I get off. Same goes for music volume in the car and on the television.

Which is why today, June the 5th, is a perfect day to start. So my healthy eating and regular running starts today. Well when I wake up, considering it’s 1am at the moment. I’ll be eating to fix my iron and allergies and running to fix my weak back.

And incase you were wondering, the goal is perfectly flat and toned abs (24/7).




I’ve decided I looove my body when it’s covered in clothes, I just don’t like the way I look naked. 

These were  taken yesterday night. 


I’m tooootally diggin how my body looks here.

  • Find Motivation! Surround yourself with people who support healthy eating!
  • Relate exercise with relaxation and stress relief. Music helps immensely, so fill up your iPod with all of your favorites!
  • Go with sugar free or fat free ALMOST always - check labels and compare nutritional content! Just because it says *FAT FREE!* or has other healthy words on the packaging doesn’t always mean it’s better for you.
  • MOST of your daily carbs and calories should come from fruits and vegetables.
  • Protein Source: egg whites and white fish (Absolutely no red meat.)
  • When cooking with oil, try to “keep it fresh, keep it clean” as much as possible, but remember both olive oil and coconut oil are proven weight loss aides in addition to other great health benefits!
  • Stay within 1000 to 1200 calories per day and also shift your intake amount from day to day, too, to keep your body guessing. Use a weight loss calculator online to figure out how many calories you need to consume per day and subtract 550 calories. Sparkspeople, caloriecount, are great tools.
  • To help with bloating, don’t exceed 800mg of sodium a day.
  • Stick with skim milk or unsweetened Almond Breeze.
  • Alternate Greek yogurt with traditional yogurt to receive the maximal calcium and protein benefits from this extraordinary nutritional source.
  • Stay away from dried fruits and remember that sometimes even starchy vegetables can wreck a diet.
  • Following a balanced diet high in fresh fruits, vegetables and lean protein might leave room for some cheese depending on your weight loss goals and any existing health conditions, but generally try to steer clear of it.
  • ALWAYS eat breakfast and make it the largest meal of the day. “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” Think about it.  Why would you need a huge meal at the end of the day when you’re getting ready to relax and go to bed?  You need energy at the beginning of the day. 
  • Stay busy! Keep your mind occupied all day. Be productive. You’ll spend less time wondering what else there is to eat and ultimately burn more calories anyway.
  • To stay full throughout the day by drinking lots of water, plus black coffee and tea. Don’t ever drink your calories, unless you are doing a meal replacement or something.
  • NO FAST FOOD! None. There is no such thing as healthy fast food - even the lighter choices have so many preservatives it’s just not worth it.
  • Hold the sauce and skip the salt - condiments, creamers, etc.. the secret calories they add sneak up on you quicker than you may realize.
  • When grocery shopping, if it comes from a box it should probably stay there.
  • Tip: When you are having a horrible sweet tooth and you feel like you are going to binge try “Nestle fat free hot coco” its only 20 calories.
  • Another tip: Keep Sugar free Gum with you at all times.
  • ALWAYS track what you put in your mouth, you’ll be surprised what foods are preventing you from losing weight.
  • Shooting for a loss of 20lbs at a time is a great way to get discouraged.  Baby steps.  Aim for a pound or two at a time and just take it a week at a time.  And then keep at it.
  • Weigh yourself every other day, not 50 times a day.
  • Don’t deprive yourself give your self a treat once a week (whether its your favorite candy bar or a slice of pizza this might even cause you to lose more weight because you will be giving your metabolism something new to break down causing it to work harder and faster. BUT if you are going to eat something bad make sure it stays within your calorie intake for that day!
  • If it’s past 6pm or you have already reached your calorie count for the day and you are absolutely hungry, safe foods to have during those times would be 2 cups of Original Air popped pop corn or any of the following: Strawberries, Cucumber, Green Beans, Celery, Sugar Free/Fat Free Jello, Lettuce, Green Pepper, Blueberries, Radishes, Broccoli, Egg whites.

Next time you feel the urge to binge remember to binge on SMART food. These are all negative calorie foods:

apples ~ apricots ~ artichokes ~ asparagus ~ beet greens ~ beets ~ blackberries ~ blueberries ~ broccoli ~ Brussels sprouts ~ buffalo fish ~ cabbage ~ cantaloupe ~ carrots ~ cauliflower  ~ Chinese cabbage ~ chives ~ clams ~ cod ~ cranberries ~ cucumbers ~  Damson plum ~ dandelion greens ~ eggplant ~ endive ~flounder ~ frogs legs ~ garlic ~ grapefruit ~ grapes ~ green beans ~ honeydew ~  lemons ~ lettuce ~ limes ~ loganberries ~ mangoes ~ mushrooms ~ muskmelons ~ mussels ~ mustard greens ~ nectarines ~ okra ~ onions ~ oranges  ~ parsley leaves ~ parsnips ~ peaches ~ pears ~ peas ~ peppers ~ pineapple ~ pomegranates ~ prunes ~ pumpkin ~ quince ~ radishes ~ raspberries ~ red cabbage ~ rhubarb ~ rutabagas ~ spinach ~ squash ~ strawberries ~ string beans ~ tangerines ~ terrapin ~ tomato ~ turnips ~ watercress ~ watermelon

*Disclaimer: Original text by undressedskeleton - edited a bit by me because there were a couple of things I just didn’t agree with.

i ate like a shit tonnnnn. hahaha 

I can’t believe the first week of the summer semester is over already.  So far, my classes aren’t so bad and have been really fun.  My math class is kind of odd as the instructor reminds me of Prof. Trelawney from Harry Potter.  It’s all ok though.  I only have three more weeks in that class before I’m done with math.  Which is good.  I don’t think I could stand to take this particular course in a 16 week semester.

On the subject of school, I found an interesting article this morning.  It lists the top grossing majors and the lowest money makers.  I’m ok with the thought of not making a ton of cash as long as I do something I love, but it is still intriguing to see where the “real” money is made.  You can find the article HERE.

Completely off the topic of school, I’m down another 2 pounds!  I’ve lost nearly 60 pounds from my heaviest and can’t wait to see the finished product when I get down to my ultimate goal!  If you are heavy and want to lose weight but don’t think you can, just remember that the only person holding you back is yourself.  I had to get out of my own way before this change and I couldn’t be happier about it.  Next to going back to school, dropping my fat card is the best decision I’ve ever made!