Blog Archive

Month 2, Day 1

trying to get out of the 260’s has been the hardest part of this journey so far.  I’m not sure what i’m doing wrong.  maybe i’m not paying attention to my meals as much, or maybe my exercise routine is becoming stale and my body is getting bored, or even i’ve just been doing to many toning things, cause i feel like i lost more weight but there is a good chance it could all be muscle building.  I can’t wait for my birthday when i FINALLY get Zumba for the Wii! i need to shake it up a bit and attack my belly fat cause it’s basically the main problem for me.  although i only lost another 2 pounds this week i have officially lost overall 33LBS!!!! and that i am happy about. I’m staying strong though, i have no real reason to stop and waist all this work. I just need more advice and determination.

If any of you have any tips or have hit the same part in everything i have lemme know give some tips i’m open to any thing! 

Easy Cheese and Bean Burritos

Calories-148 Fat-3g Carbs -21 Dietary Fiber-10g Protein 9g



    1 (15 oz) can fat-free refried beans
    1 (4 oz) can diced green chilies
    1/2 cup 2% Mexican shredded cheese
    1/4 cup onion, chopped
    1/2 tsp chili powder
    1 tsp cumin
    1 tsp garlic powder
    8 fajita size carb balanced tortillas
    When ready to serve add diced tomatoes, lettuce, and salsa over the top. 


Spray an non-stick medium sauce pan with Pam and heat.

Add onion and cook until translucent and tender.

Reduce heat to medium and add chilies, refried beans and spices. Cook, stirring frequently, until hot.

Add cheese and stir until melted and combined. Turn heat to low. (save some cheese for top)

Heat up your tortillas in a non-stick frying pan sprayed with Pam…and cook until lightly browned.

Remove tortilla to a plate and spread 1/8 of mixture and wrap into a burrito.

Repeat for all 8 burritos.

8 servings - 1 burrito each

Number of Servings: 8

I was 6 days into my diet, and I caved and cheated in the best way I could have cheated. There was a ton of re-make’s and leftover pizza’s at work, and my shrimp and asparagus didn’t get me as full as I had hoped, so I ate, and ate, and ate pizza until I thought I would die. I didn’t feel any guilt, or disappointment because I know that I’m only HUMAN. Besides, who the fuck was I kidding when saying that I wasn’t going to have any of my Mom’s barbecue?! Hahaha! Now that the family gathering is behind me, and the new week has begun, I know that I need to get back on track and really put my best foot forward in hopes of losing more weight and getting healthy.

I drink about 7 cups of soda a day. And no water. Maybe some juice if I’m feeling frisky. But mostly soda.

I’ve also been snacking a lot at work.

This has led to a 9 lb weight gain after an overall 32 lb loss over a year.

So for the last TWO DAYS I cut back on snacking and drank between 2-4 bottles of water and no soda.

I’ve lost 5 lbs.


I’m a happy girl :)

Grilled Bbq Pork Sandwich

Calories 247, Carbs 22, Protein 27, Fat 3g


  • One Lean Boneless Pork Loin  (113g)
  • 2 tbsps Low calorie Bbq Sauce -(Masterpiece)
  • 1/2 cup Ice burg Lettuce
  • 1 tbsp Mustard
  • 2 Slices Sara Lee Bread

For your daily dose of “things that make Athena really angry”. 

I woke up this morning pretty sure I was finally going to drop below 123.0, but the food baby from last night (the Giant-est Salad In The World) means I was actually 124 instead :(

And do you know when this plateau started?  When I started chew/spitting again.  I really should give it up, but it’s just so hard to do.

I’m supposed to get my period on either Thursday night or Friday morning which means I’m going to be gaining weight which means I need to workout harder inspired me to do this. lol love her blog

anyways although it seems silly water aerobics is actually good exercise  for you! because your making your body fight against the water and its a good way to do low cardio! i did it this morning and will every monday this summer for an hour. you may look silly doing somethings but have fun with it and join a local pools class! i recommend it and love it :) 

So there is no scale in this apartment =[ trying to be good.

b- eggs



s-nachos and pepsi


Wow. 4:30 in the morning and Aaron is definitely not going back to sleep. Outside the birds are just waking up. A lonely car makes the short down our one way street. My husband comes back to bed from the couch where he retreated around 1, or was it 2:00, when Aaron wouldn’t go to sleep the third time. “I’m going to sleep for another ½ an hour” he tells me. “Okay.” I scoop Aaron up. In the kitchen we make a quick bottle and then head into the living room where there is just enough space for two to work out with relative comfort. This morning I’m on my own. I turn on the tv and the PS3 we bought mostly for the Bluray features. It’s the thrum that gets me. The Beachbody, bad music, could be a porn but it’s not, that sets my blood pounding.

 Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps is pretty crazy. Not because the exercises are nuts or the reps are out there, but just for sheer body fatigue. It makes me work. And sweat. And you know? I kind of like it. Aaron sits on his play mat (he’s not crawling yet, but he’s moving. He’s at a point where, even though he’s not crawling, if he wants something, he can get halfway across the room to get your phone)! He laughs at me through most of the work out. There are some exercises (like tri extensions) where he’s looking at me wide eyed and I can hear the thoughts “Really Mom? Really? That?” It’s pretty great to have an audience, even one who can’t talk. And when I fall doing push ups that require me to clap … and I fall … well, maybe I’m glad my audience can’t speak yet!

 Then there’s Ab Ripper X. I get through ALL of the exercises except for Mason twists, Oblique, and Leg Grabbers, at 100%. And when I’m done I’m feeling it. This, on top of the 5k this weekend – I’m feeling it – but I’m feeling GOOD.

 It’s six in the morning, I’ve worked out, and I’m ready to take on the day. Bring it, Bring it … On to diapers and work and clients and school. On to finding out what the rest of the world holds. Taking all of that on seems so much easier once I know I can take on all of this.

 Hope your Monday is going well. And hey – if you want to join me, or you’re interested in trying anything out, just let me know. I’m happy to answer questions or get you a sample of Shakeology, or whatever I can do. I know I feel great – I want you to as well.

 Thanks for reading!


@firstladyoftech   (ordering product / becoming a coach / free Work out accounts here!) Accountability is the key to my success and it all starts here.