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weighed myself today

I just did the first level of Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred. I loved it! It was challenging enough that I felt like I was really getting a work out, but I was never at the point of “death”. I’m excited to see how intense the other 2 levels get, and to see how long it takes me to master all 3 of them.

Also, Jillian cracks me up because she’s kind of shaped like a boy. I don’t say that to be mean or to make fun of her. I LOVE Jillian Michaels! But she’s not overly curvy and she compensates for it by leaning to one side and sticking out her hip to show off her waist. It reminds me of the sort of things I do in a fitting room when I’m trying on clothes I’m not sure if I like. “If I stick my left hip out like this, raise my hands over my head, cock my head and squint these pants look really good on me”.

This is what motivation can do. The first image is from my freshman year of high school. By the time I graduated I weighed in at 255 lbs and I hated myself. I had wanted to lose weight for a very long time but just kept gaining. My home life wasn’t great so I made any excuse to go out…which usually meant eating with friends… my living situation changed just after high school. I no longer lived with my mom but with my boyfriend. After moving around a few times we ended up with a couple of room mates. It was Kyle and I and Nikki and Nick. Nikki was already super fit and she was going to Planet Fitness so I signed up and we started going together. We kept each other motivated and ran every day. I have lost 90 lbs. 

Just did

  • 50 sit-ups
  • 20 leg-ups per leg
  • 10 push-ups (something I need to work on)

Might get the treadmill out soon and do a 15 min run.

Start getting back in shape. I really fell off of the bandwagon for a while and seeing half naked girls around Jersey really doesn’t help my self esteem. I am ready. If anyone has any tips, I’d be in love with you forever. I always have the hardest time staying focused. 

I usually stay at the same weight for a few weeks, then finally drop some off toward the end of the month. So I’m at the annoying “I’vebeenstuckatthisweightforever” stage now. So aggravating. Especially because my weight is always hovering 1-3lbs above what I actually weigh all the time. I guess it’s water weight from salt, but it’s still really discouraging.

Also it’s like, it doesn’t matter how much extra I work out, I still lose the same amount of weight. So why bother working out? I’ve been kicking my ass lately, working out in little bursts 2-3 times a day, yet I still lose the same amount of weight as when I don’t work out at all. Ughhhh.

I think I might try upping my calories. Maybe cause of my workouts, I’m not getting enough. Problem is I feel fine with my normal 1,200-1,400 calories so I’m going to have to eat when I’m not even hungry. Sigh, I’ll try anyway though.

If you have any recs, please send me, or reblog if you are fitness / weight loss and I WILL FOLLOW THE BEJEESUS OUT OF YOU. :D

Today I weighed in at 209.8. Two days ago I was 215 and struggling to get over this slump I’ve been in. I’m calling this a “fake weight” because it was only achieved from eating something bad and being horribly ill for over 24 hours straight. :P Part of me still takes great satisfaction in it, but we’ll see what I even out at on Tuesday LOL:P

I just began to cut them out of my diet.  I’m suspecting that they may be the culprit behind the severe brain fog that I’ve been experiencing lately.  D:

turns out i’m doing something right.  i’ll post the actual weigh in on monday.  

feeling good, everyone!