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so... i woke up at 1:30pm.

holy crap! i hate waking up at any time after 11 on my days off, let alone 1:30. ugh.

today i’ve eaten… one pop tart, a half a can of coke. clocking in at 300 calories. i won’t be doing THAT again…

but now i have 900 calories for the rest of the day, and it’s nearing 4:30.

i’ll just be having a lean cuisine for dinner tonight and healthy snacks if i get hungry again. having 900 calories left is no excuse to go crazy. okay, maybe i’ll have a beer too. compromise. :)

and now i am drinking water and brushing up on some blues musix.

tomorrow i’m going to a huge mall with my mom, because she needs some new work clothes (she finally got a job after a year and a half!! i’m so happy for her!) and i need a couple new pairs of jeans. i wouldn’t be clothes shopping at all right now but my only pair of jeans (they are technically jeggings…) has a chub rub hole in them now. all i have to wear at the moment is two pairs of shorts, and i don’t want to wear shorts to work!

i can’t wait to walk into the mall tomorrow and buy a pair of jeans in any store. that is such a beautiful NSV.