Blog Archive

concerns about a progress blog

1. Being judged - The reason why I have all these issues with my body in the first place are because I’m constantly judging myself. There’s always something wrong when I look in the mirror. But weight loss is the first step towards changing what I can. Call me crazy, but losing weight has/is making a dramatic impact on my self esteem, even if it is driving me nuts in the process. My concern is that there will always be someone to judge me. Maybe I shouldn’t care, but uh, well, I do. I believe in the support of the Tumblr community, that’s why I started this blog in the first place, but there will always be an inkling of fear in the back of my head that I will be judged. And for a number of reasons. 

2. Being found - If someone managed to recognize who I was, well I’m not entirely sure what I would do. One of the best things about this blog is that I’m able to maintain anonymity and still express myself AND be supported, get feedback, etc. I mean, I guess there’s a reason why I started this and choose to remain anonymous, it’s not like I can talk to my friends about this. If anyone found out, I would be devastated. 

So maybe a prog-blog isn’t for the best :/