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Remember how I said I’m gonna lose 30 pounds? I didn’t lie. In less than four months, I have lost 16 pounds, just by counting calories and dancing. I would get sick, and it would set my goals back, but I’d always get back up on my feet to kick even more ass than before.

My diet hasn’t been the best, but it’s a slow process, and I can proudly say that I went with the Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich and fruit cup at Chik-fil-a rather than the spicy chicken sandwich and waffle fries. I enjoyed every bit of it too, and without the bloaty, post fast food stupor I’d usually be in.

Indulgence is a fleeting thing. Why constantly give in to a craving when the taste will be gone in a matter of minutes?

This summer break, I’m challenging myself to lose 10 pounds. That’s five shy of my ultimate goal weight for August. I’m going to work hard for it, and even getting close to it will make me happy. I’m hoping that by next week I’ll be in the next digits.

Any support is welcome. :)

Sore today. Boo :(


Daily milk 3

B. Shredded wheat 4

Two slices brown toast 4

Jam 2

L. Two slices ham 2

Salad 0

Dressing 1

Pear 0

D. Mexican Beef Pan Fry and white rice 13


One banana 0

20 pistachios 4

One tsp honey 1

Total 34


Day 8 of the 30 Day Shred

Moo xx

breakfast: bagel with cream cheese (300 calories)

random: spoonful of nutella (100 calories)

lunch: 1/2 sandwich at barnes and noble (250 calories)

dinner: slice of pizza and glass of pepsi (250 + 150=400 calories)

total: 1050 calories

outtake: 600 calories (yoga)

net: 450

ugh….it’s not that i ate too many calories, just the ones i ate were sooo unhealthy =\ oh welll i’ve been soo good lately, so one iffy day won’t ruin everything…gonna wait a few days to weigh myself again i thinkk

and this bikram yoga….omg it’s amazing! everytime i go i leave feeling soo much better than the day before….i have a feeling this is gonna become an addiction this summer (a healthy one at least!!) I seriouslyy recommend you try it if you have a studio near you!!

Every time I eat I feel so guilty afterward :(

Apparently eating 500 calories or less a day will result in 1 lb lost per week … I think I am going to try doing this. And I will also go back to only having coffee in the morning, and only one cup.  Tea the rest of the day. And gallons of water.

Today my total caloric intake was 689 calories (I love the calorie counter on my phone). That’s not too bad at all. I’ll do some exercise tonight, since I missed it the past three days :( … but I feel like work sometimes makes up for not exercising, since I sweat so much there.


I want to look super hot this summer, or at least by the time I go back to school.

PS. I got a new swim suit … it’s floral and so cute :D I’m very pleased with it.

My mom has been telling me to lose weight and all that since i was like 12 so she was pretty damn excited when i told her i was trying to lose weight.

My dad doesn’t really care.

Day Four- Your greatest fears about weight loss?
Day Five- Why do you really want to lose this weight? Are you doing it for you?
Day Six- Do you binge? If so, explain why you think you do.
Day Seven- Do your parents know you’re trying to lose weight? Do they care?
Day Eight- Your workout routine:
Day Nine- Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
Day Ten- What was the hardest thing you gave up during this “weight loss.”
Day Eleven- Your favourite thinspo blog and why!
Day Twelve- What do you normally eat?
Day Thirteen- Are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way?
Day fourteen- What’s your UGW? When you expect to reach it?
Day Fifteen- Are you vegan or vegetarian? If so, has this helped you lose weight? If not, would you ever consider turning vegan or vegetarian?
Day Sixteen- When did you first decide to lose weight?
Day Seventeen- Do you have an eating disorder?
Day Eighteen- What food is your weakness?
Day Nineteen- When is the last time you ate fast food?
Day Twenty- Favourite diet?
Day Twenty-One- What are your clothing sizes?
Day Twenty-Two- What was your lowest weight? How and why did you gain?
Day Twenty-Three- Did the media play a role in your wanting to lose weight?
Day Twenty-Four- How do you feel about the terms pro-Ana/pro-mia?
Day Twenty-Five- Have you ever purged? If you have describe your first
Day Twenty-Six- What excites you most about reaching your ugw?
Day Twenty-Seven- How do you deal with being around food?
Day Twenty-Eight- Do you want that “gap” between your legs? Why?
Day Twenty-Nine- Your definition of beauty.
Day Thirty- 10 facts about you! And now, what are your stats?


If you give up anything you love completely, you increase your risk of falling off the wagon. Giving something up is a short term solution, but it doesn’t form long-term habits. I’m going to use something unhealthy that I love as an example: macaroni and cheese.

I love mac and cheese and always have. I not only love it on its own, but I love putting stuff in it, like basil, or salsa, or bacon, or black olives and shredded chicken. It makes everything better.

It also has 600+ calories in a box. And that’s with nothing added to it.

Before I was eating healthy, I would make mac and cheese at least once a month. When I made it, I’d eat half the box to start with, and a lot of the time I’d go back later and eat the rest. I’d eat the whole box in one sitting.

Mac and cheese is terrible - it’s simple carbs, fat, and dairy. It’s highly processed and full of preservatives and sodium. It is, in fact, Bad News Bears on the diet front.

But if I gave it up totally, I’d just cave. The next time I made mac for the kid I watch, I’d end up scarfing his leftovers. Or I’d resist for months, and then one day I’d be at the cafe down the street and see mac on the menu and think, “Oh, I’ve been so good. I deserve to treat myself to this tasty thing I love.”

And then I’d eat the entire fucking bowl. And it would probably be even higher in calories than the boxed version.

If you love something, don’t cut it out of your life, but watch yourself with it. Read the label and find out what the actual portion size is. Stick to the portion size listed, and count the calories.

You can also find lower-calorie ways to make the same thing and have it be just as good. Sometimes I make homemade cheese sauce and put it on cauliflower instead of pasta. Other times I cave and buy a box of Kraft dinner, but I buy the white cheddar kind. You can make the white cheddar mac and substitute fat free plain yogurt for the butter and milk in the preparation. It shaves off some calories and it’s delicious. I honestly like it more than regular macaroni and cheese.

“Reblog if you support weight loss in June.”

Last summer, I never would have worn this tank without a cardigan.  It was also pretty uncomfortable because it was so tight.  Now it’s actually a little big, and I feel great in it. :)

and to celebrate I just made the nastiest hot fudge sundae with chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a blend of peanut butter/hot fudge (duh) so hot it just melted the entire cup of ice cream.

I’m only 1lb away from losing 50altogether, though, after this, I might be like 2 or 3 or 8000 lbs away.

also I am going to be so sick later but my God is it worth it.

I’m okay with that?

Wish it was more, for my first week weighing in, but hey, its 4 lbs I didn’t have last week.