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30 Day Challenge

Day Six- Do you binge? If so, explain why you think you do.

I’ve never really binged. Sure I’ve eaten a meal that was too big portion-wise, but once I’m full I can’t even look at food. I live by myself and I usually just buy the groceries I need a day at a time so I don’t waste food or money, so it’s rare that I’ll eat a shit ton of food for the hell of it or just because it’s there.

I definitely binge sleep. I could sleep for 18 hours a day, which I attribute to some of my weight gain because I would just lay in bed all day on my days off from school during last year. My boyfriend would usually make dinner every night (sometimes really unhealthy) and then I would go right to bed. Now we try to eat earlier so I’m not instantly in a coma as soon as we’re done eating.

On another note, I can’t figure out how to post my profile picture in the about me section! someone please help!!!