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It says a tablespoon of mayonnaise, but you don’t have to...

I honestly think that a healthy weight loss does not have to consist of boring plain veggies, fruits, and lean meats… or just the typical “eat salad everyday”. Dress up your food a bit, add some spice, seasoning, and flavor! Of course, choose wisely

It’s the boring food that get most people of track and leading back to the less healthy choices. Make your weight loss experience worth while, because it takes a lot of time. So take the time to make amazing foods that’ll keep you going until you reach your weight goal and even the rest of your life!

Be creative lovelies! 

So I got crazy excited last night, because I was 117.0, which is 0.2 lower than I was that morning! Normally I go down by about a lb overnight. So why this morning was I exactly the same? Anyone got any idea’s?

I hit 128 pounds today!

That means I’ve lost 9 pounds so far. (:

Sorry I’m really bad at updating this blog. :(

so cute!!


  • Maple streusel oatmeal w/ soymilk: 173
  • Two scrambled eggs: 140 calories


  • Tony and Alba’s cheese pizza (2 slices): 474 calories


  • Chicken salad (lettuce, grilled chicken, parmesan cheese, 2 egg whites, and croutons): 269 calories


  • Green tea w/ Splenda
  • Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter protein shake (this was delicious, but I made way too much and felt sick later): 443
  • Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies: 140 calories

Total calories: 1626


  • Walking with weights (1.35 miles): 237 calories

Total net calories: 1389

things i want to be able to wear:

1. new shorts! i bought them today (they were uber marked down on clearance, and i couldn’t help myselfff)  i went to Target to find some new bras, and after i tried on a bunch and gave up i found these shorts and didn’t want to waste any more time trying them on. they only had size Large.

Okay, now i’m going to venture on another direction:

the idea of my ass fitting into a size Large in Juniors is unheard of, okay? all of the women in my family have very very large backsides(we’re 100% whitest of white). i’m always a size 12 and its always super tight on my butt and thighs and then lose in my waist. when i started putting on weight, it all went directly to my stomach which started fitting into my size 12s and ventured into size 14 occasionally. 

so now i’m losing weight, losing my tummy, not losing my butt. which is okay. its certainly who i am and i’m not willing to give my junk up entirely. however i’m totally looking forward to having a nice, smaller, toned backside to show off in nice floral shorts that i just bought.

back to the shorts. they only had large. i figured i might as well buy them as a goal. well, i got them and tried them on and they fit. “fit” means they go on my body, which is something noooo size large anythings do. so that was a huge acomplishment for me. however, they are skin tight.

i can’t even explain how impossible it is for a large to fit on my butt. like, i can’t. and it does. but i want to feel great in them! i’d never wear them in public like this, so i want to feel comfortable and great in them

so that’s goal number one.

2. my size 12 jeans. i bought them really tight and i could never wear them because it almost made me sick how tight they were (i’m broke okay) its so stupid that i can’t wear them now because they’re 12s and i can button them but they’re so tight on my stomach still, and i want to be able to wear them! it will be a really great moment when i can comfortably wear those.

3. i had another one what the hell was it.





I sometimes wonder if I’d be less afraid of rejection if I weren’t so large. 

The personality I used to have is completely gone. The confident in your face chick is gone! The show everyone my tits is gone. The I like everyone is gone.

Well… I know that being smaller isn’t going to miraculously change my life but perhaps it will change my approach. 

I fell down the past few days and am mustering up the nerve and confidence to go again. I’m not really mad at myself because I haven’t given up and it’s been 4 months since I started this journey. I don’t have a lot of weight loss to show for it, but I can honestly say that my mind is still where it needs to be. It’s not as focused as it could be but I say some effort is worthy of recognition. It’s better than ignoring it and doing nothing. Right?

Ugh. I hope so. I hope I don’t drop dead before I manage to get all of this under control. 

(deep breath)

So, tomorrow, I try again. Tomorrow I’m going to be on top of shit, be prepared. … no bullshit. I need to feel lighter and not so heavy. I think a lighter step would mean a lighter heart. 


Before you do ANYTHING else you need to run out and buy this:

Sure, the nutritional facts on the package may say that it has 190 calories per serving but this is a lie! The truth is that all dinosaur-themed products actually have negative calories!!! Yep, that’s right. Forget celery and apples, eat this stuff and you’ll reach your goal weight and be skinnaayyy in no time!

So Tomorrow I promise I’ll do measurements/weight and whatnot because I’ll be home! Back from California!

B-egg and toast

L-chicken fries and nachos

D-delishious chicken noodle thing


E-walking WAY up hill all over the San Diego Zoo

It says a tablespoon of mayonnaise, but you don’t have to add it :p At least it’s only a tablespoon!! Click it for the recipe and tell me what you think (: