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Jalan Jalan Singapore- Udders The Titties!

I know the tittle is inappropriate. But believe me I have 101 reasons to say it is appropriate!! 
First reason:
I don't know how many of you guys have been there or heard about this place before.
This place is officially known as Udders.
I have no idea how the owner can came up with such name. Maybe the owner have some kind of weird fetish over cow's boobs! Heh =P I kid. Maybe because milk come from cow and we use milk to make ice cream? Next... well I guess I only have one. Sorry for the miscalculation.
I enjoy drinking (as long as I don't get hang over of course), ice cream... not so much except Ben and Jerry's. When combined together, I'm speechless. I went Langkawi last year, I remembered tapao-ing nearly 20 packets of chocolate filled liqueur! In Singapore, they have even better stuff for the adult! 
And NO! I'm not talking about Geylang!! Get your mind out of the gutter people!!


Yea liqueur flavoured ice cream. I first had this last year in May but I didn't blog about it because I forget to bring my camera along! And this time I did =D *glad face*

According to wikipedia 'udder' is an organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals, especially ruminants such as cattle, goats, sheepand deer. The udder is a single mass hanging beneath the animal, consisting of pairs of mammary glands. In cattle there are normally two pairs, in sheep, goats and deer there is one pair, and in some animals such as pigs there are many pairs.

 I don't have any favourite flavour but all the ice creams are good. The level of liqueur is different in each ice cream. Depending on how intoxicated you are planning to get.. Naaah.. don't worry you can't possibly get drunk.
 You can refer on their label. More glasses shown meaning more visible taste of liqueur. Sometimes it gets very bitter too.

You can vote for what flavours you want them to come up with next! These ice creams are all hand made and claimed to be originally created in Udders =D
The price list. Strained your eyes a little bit la =P (on the left) In green is price for single scoop and in pink is price for double scoops.
 I ordered Wine Berries and D24 Durians.
Not bad. The Wine Berries is not that sweet which I liked and the D24 Durians is quite thick! You will literally chew on the durian flesh! Yum!
The boyfriend ordered Rum Rum Raisin and Bailey's & Bourbon on waffle.
I am wondering why he never gain weight!
Conversation a bunch of girls had when they see another girl with a bigger boobs...

Hop on to their website
if you wanna know more. They even have ice cream making classes! They have four outlets! In Singapore =P booo.... Malaysia don't have ='(

I bought Urban Decay All Nighter. It is a setting spray for your make up. Make your make up last up to 16 hours!! (they said).

Quote of the day
"Men, chocolate and coffee are all better rich."