NYX Chrome Eyeshadows

I don't like their single pressed eyeshadows but I really love their loose eyeshadow! Very pigmented. The main reason I bought these is the price. It was RM8 per 2g jar! I will not have so much colours to play with if I buy from MAC =(

 So here are the colours that I bought. I forget my list back home so I hope the name I mentioned for each of them is correct.

From top left Lilac, Herb, Golden Pink, Orange, Dust, Space, Red, Olive, Amethy and 3 Wise Men.
I personally love Orange, Red, and Space very much. Wanted to buy Bayou but it was sold out =(

I swatched with Urban Decay Primer Potion as the base. These were swatched dry, if you use them wet the colours are more vibrant =D
From left Amethy, Golden Pink, Orange, Red, Space, Herb, Dust, Lilac, 3 Wise Men and Olive.
This is what you call value buy!

I did realized that a lot of Youtubers transferred their Chrome Eyeshadows to a 5g jar because it can be quite messy if you use the original jar. For me, as long as I cover it back with the lid that comes with it, I'm good.
 Don't be lazy! It doesn't even take more than 30 seconds to put it back in place.

It is even better when the lid is attached to the cap =P Make life much easier!

Enkore reviewed these eyeshadows and I take his word for granted and I don't regret. If you love pigments you should buy these. Where to get them might be a problem tho. Aside from the forum I seriously don't know where I can get these =(
If you do please leave me a comment okay?? :)

RM8 is however their sale price. The normal price would be RM15-RM20. I bought these from 2 sellers in LowYat, Nyx Cosmetics Malaysia(unofficial) and Shazzac
I doubt they have much stocks left.

Before decided on which colours to purchase I spent 2 good hours going through Youtube back and forth before I found this link! So to make your life easier here is the link. This lady she reviewed all 60 colours of the eyeshadows!!! How cool is that!

There are 6 videos in total. She swatched 10 colours on each video. Here are the the chart from NYX website which cannot be trusted at all!

That's not all!!! Remember few post back I told you how awesome Urban Decay Primer potion (UDPP) is?? Well, I haven't change my mind yet =P Even when the product is awesome the packaging design do sucks big time. Not only me but thousands of people have complained. Some of them even resort to decapitating their cute UDPP bottle just to get the most out of the small bottle! =( Recently UD change the wand (applicator) of UDPP which make a lot of people happy . And now UDPP comes in very cute tube!!!! Yipee!

Don't get too excited yet. This item is only available online now. It will be released in stores in October. WTF?? yea WTF? Well when they say " it will be released in store" I assumed in the USA. So when will they have it here!?!?!?! In Singapore or in Malaysia?!?!?! When?!?! Even my Naked palette haven't reach Singapore market yet! Darn you!
Bad thing this is LIMITED EDITION!!
So stock up ladies! Stock up!

They do mentioned that it is professional size so I assume it will be big. Hmmm....

I might be able to get my hands on the famous Urban Decay Naked Palette, most probably by mid September. If you are interested in owning one email me at yourwarehouse@gmail.com. One palette will cost RM200 =)

Depotting your NYX Jumbo Pencil and NYX Jumbo Pencil swatches coming up!