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It's Lip Tar!!!

Well well well.... What have we got here??? 
The product I mentioned above is from OCC aka Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics. For you animal lovers out there, this company is 100% Vegan and PETA-approved. Another reason for us girls to shop right?
(hubby or bf gonna be deeply disappointed! I guess the new year resolution is definitely going down the drain!)

Their oh-so-famous Lip Tar definitely not gonna let you down. I love this product. They are so fun to play with and very wearable. Well, except some of the odd colours like blue, yellow, green etc.. I would love to be able to wear them out actually but I am not that brave yet =( Maybe on Halloween! Yes! Serendipity have Halloween sale for those odd colors?? It would be fun! =D One color from Lip Tar is seriously not enough! They are addictive and I don't know why.. 

They have 27 different colors and each is retailing at USD12.50.

Don't get discourage please. I know I did. When I saw reviews in Youtube about Lip Tar I don't even bother watching it. Because I know, to get my hands on this I would have to fork out more for postage. Which is sad. But like I said. Angel is here to save the day! Remember Serendipity? Where I bought my UNII Palette from? They have Lip Tar as well. Guess what is the best part..

They are having RAYA SALE! 50% of for the second Lip Tar you purchase! Which is awesome! Meaning you only pay RM90 for 2. So it's like RM45 for one!!! Offer valid til 20 Sept 2010.

It would be better if somebody open a shop to sell these. At least we can go and see the real thing ourself without having to rely much on swatches online. Do remember that this product contains no tar. Lip Tar is just a name. In fact they even have extra ingredient which is Hemp oil (I think) which is normally not available in lip products. Majority will only use Castor Seed oil. But OCC use both with peppermint oil for the minty smell and Vit E oil.

Enough with the crap now let me show you what I bought! =P

First of all I would like to apologize for the crappy pictures! It was taken from my crappy camera :( DSLR with the bf. But even if I use DSLR my pictures will still be crappy.
 (Up to date which is 4 months since I owned a DSLR, I still don't know how to use it properly! Noob much right?..Haih...)

I got myself 4 colours!!
Wee! Because the sale is only applicable when you purchase in the multiple of 2.

They were wrapped individually with bubble wrap and every 2 tubes will be placed in a zip lock bag :)

I bet you got shocked I buy Black huh?( Even Serendipity told me I was their FIRST customer who buy LipTar in black!) Hahaha. Actually when I first see the colors, black is the one I vowed to MUST have! I guess no other lip product manufacturers have lip color in black =P
I like versatility. I don't want to ALWAYS look like me! I want to look different sometimes =D
I was really inspired by this lady. I love how the color look on her lips! I adore her very much for this look!

I love most of her tutorials. I love the BANG kinda make up! But I can't wear them out..Sigh...

Okay, enough of me. 
I bought NSFW (not safe for work), Memento, Tar, and Anime.
I wanted to swatch them on my lips for you guys to see, but I don't like my lips! They are too small :( I did try few shots then I got fed up! Plus when the color is on my lips it doesn't really reflects their true color.
So I hope you guys don't mind I swatched them on a piece of white paper =)

Okay now you might feel weird. I bought 4 but how come I got 8 swatches??? I am sorry. I just can't help it! The rest of the colors are basically mixed with each other =P. 
From left Tar + Anime, Memento, Anime, NSFW, Tar, NSFW + Tar +Memento, Memento + NSFW, Tar+ Memento + Anime.

Here are the four colours that I bought on a clear plastic.
Memento, Anime, NSFW, Tar
Love the colors. The red one really look like blood.

You can view complete swatches in Xsparkage. Btw, I love all her Youtube tutorials! She is crazy with colours! you should check her out!

NSFW and Memento
Tar and Anime

Here are the summarized version of the important points and what I fell about this product.


Lip Tar is not the same with other lip gloss out there in the market. I am not too sure about this but I never see a lip gloss that is not glossy (get it?) . But I'm not a big fan of lip product. So you can't really quote me on that.
Lip Tar first and foremost are very very very very pigmented. You've probably heard this a zillion times by now that a little Lip Tar will go a very very very long way!

The brush above is a concealer brush from Elf. If you have the same one you would have known how small is the brush. And you just need the amount shown above for your entire lips (unless you have lips as thick as a buffalo). I think you can use one tube for years! One tube is 8ml. For the colors that I bought the colors have opaque finish. No glossy texture. I have no idea why the swatches in Xsparkage look glossy. The colors that I owned are not glossy at all. 

Light creamy textures. Blend easily and last forever. I had my mum tried it and the color stay  even after meal. Not entirely but most of it. Like 80% And you don't have to retouch if you don't want to.
Not sticky. No sticky feeling at all! A bit drying though. I would suggest you to use lip balm before applying this on your lips. For bright colors(like NSFW), to remove them is honestly a pain in the ass! But lip make up remover will do its job.

In my opinion, if you have the budget, go for these! Definitely! because they will last you a very long time. You want glossier look, top it up with clear gloss or in my case I use my NYX lip gloss on top for more sparkly look. I you would really love to own them but only have the budget for one then go for the color that you will wear everyday. If not, go for the 4 main color and mix them up to create new colors. I plan to get blue, and white maybe yellow :) Seriously you will get more colors than you ever possibly needed! Unless you are an make up artist of course then that doesn't count. But if you mix don't use to much because you will definitely waste a lot of product. A teeny bit will do wonders.

Honestly these tubes, were meant for make up artists ( I think). Because normal end user like us will definitely take ages to finish this up. How I wish they have smaller tube!

Because one of the ingredients is peppermint oil, when you apply this to your lips it leaves a minty feeling. that's it. No other gross smell or taste. Another plus point from me =)
I think that's about it. I hope I didn't miss anything.

PS: I still have few more items I recently bought but have not yet reviewed because of this Lip Tar. I just thought sharing them with you guys is a MUST!