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Eyelash Perming

By now almost every one will know what is eyelash perming. First time did mine was 2 years ago in one of the shop in Times Square. I was fooled because the picture shown to me was absolutely perfect! Perfect eyelash! Gorgeous! Without hesitation I paid RM50 for it.

 I guess during that time eyelash perming was not so popular yet? I don't know. But their so call "equipment" is like a total rubbish. I will be mean this time because this thing don't work for me. I don't know if this work for any of you out there but this is my opinion . I hope you find it useful. If not then just let me vent my anger okay??

Let me start with their "equipment". Their "equipment" were toothpicks, some kind of gel that will make your eyelash curl ( it smell exactly like the one used in saloon to perm your hair! I asked the girl but she refused to tell), cling wrap, warm wet cotton.

The toothpick will be placed on your eyelids as the shaper to shape your eyelashes. They apply the gel and roll (?) your eyelashes upwards and wrap it around the toothpick (biggest dumbest mistake!) then they will wrap your eyes with the cling wrap and place the warm wet cotton on top. Just like perming your hair they apply the liquidy thing and apply heat on your head right? Same concept.

I guess if you can visualized the above steps you can pretty much guess how my eyelashes turn out right?
YES! They fucking curl but they curl like hair!!! You know the small curls? Just like that! I don't have pretty eyelashes to begin with. Not thick, medium length and doesn't curl like Bollywood stars. After the perming it was worse! But at that point I wasn't angry. Because it was my first time. I don't know how they supposed to turn out. The beautician assured me they will look natural after 3 days. Yea 3 days my ass. It was like that for almost a month! It was damn embarrassing!

After a month they look natural but my eyelashes was messy! They were everywhere! Seriously!!! They point up, down. left, right! In any direction! You name it! I was furious! After 4 months my eyelashes finally become normal again.

Last July, if you read my blog you should know that I went for embroidery in Bluunis. Read about them HERE I wanted to do eyeliner only. Up and down but end up doing my eyebrow as well. Blog about that soon.
In short, I bought a package. They gave me free Wawa perm. Wawa perm is eyelash perm. I fall for it again! They said it was the latest technology. Seriously, when a girl are shoved with too much promotions they become blind and spend unnecessarily.. Well at least I know I am.

This time around I can't really remember the procedure (I was asleep) but instead using toothpicks they use rubber as a shaper to shape your eyelashes. Not bad because the rubber is thick. It makes your eyelashes curl more nicely (theoretically). I forget how she warm my eyelashes but I was still super annoyed with the end result. Instead of curling nicely my eyelashes are pointing upwards! And they are like sticking to my lids! Annoying much! Sadly after few days my eyelashes start to point in various stupid direction again! Seriously I got very frustrated! It wasn't pretty at all! NOT PRETTY! Now I have to wear falsies every single day instead of using just mascara! And it is kinda hard because some of my eyelashes is pointing up!

Conclusion I will never ever perm my eyelashes anymore!

I have an Indian friend who permed her eyelashes as well and hers turn out nicely! She does have nice eyelashes but after perming it became more pretty. After 2 months they are still pretty! DAMN! Why mine sucks!?! Why?!?!? So I guess it depends on individual. If you are too chicken to try this out I suggest be a chicken don't go for it. Don't waste your money. Use false lashes. Easy!

I did eyelash extension as well previously in other shop. I will blog about that when I have time.