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Egyptian Magic Cream

I am sure a lot of you have heard about this magical cream. A cream that can cure almost all skin conditions. This cream can be used as a skin moisturizer, make up remover, diaper rash cream, skin rash cream, lightens chicken pox marks, lightens stretch marks, cure chapped lips and much more.

I have been wanting to purchase this cream for a very long time already. But I don't want to buy the full size. It is quite expensive for me. RM125 for 118g. When I decided to buy The Brush Guard I  place an order right away for a sample size as well. Which is RM23 for 10g. 

This cream is made of all natural ingredients such as Olive oil, beeswax, honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis extract.

Do bear in mind this review is written solely based on my experienced while using them. I did not get influenced by all the testimonials out there. 

First of all, the textures, almost the same with petroleum jelly from Vaseline except this Egyptian Magic Cream (EMC) is a little creamier. In comparison with Vaseline, EMC will melt easily when I rub it in between my fingers. 
Smell wise, Vaseline have no smell but EMC has this wax smell. Not too strong. Only light wax smell like candles.
 I have read few reviews where they apply the cream over their face etc and it gives amazing result. Well, I haven't try that so far =) Not gonna do it since I already have my Estee Lauder Advance Night Repair. Initially I bought these mainly to cure my chapped lips. It's not that bad but I have this habit of applying Vaseline on my lips before I go to bed. And my supply of Vaseline almost finish. So, I thought why not try EMC since everybody loves it, it must be good right? 

Honestly, it didn't give me the result that I was hoping for. I get better result with my cheap Vaseline. I think the EMC didn't work because it is less thicker compared to Vaseline. Vaseline will stay on my lips until morning while EMC does not, by the time I woke up, its all gone. 
But EMC works for my skin. I don't have bad skin condition but I usually apply Vaseline to my knees and elbows as well. EMC gives better result when compared with Vaseline because it is more oily and melts faster. My skin absorbed it much faster.

Good for cracked heels as well.  For me the after feeling is kinda sticky that's why I only apply it right before I go to bed. =)

Overall, a good product. You should try the sample size if you still have doubts  For me, I will still purchase the sample size when my sample runs out (I need ages to finish those sample that I currently have). I don't have bad skin condition to begin with. Lotion will normally solves my problem =)