Its Ramadhan!!!

Well this is totally unrelated to me.. But I am Malaysian =P So Happy Ramadhan!! or should I say Selamat Berpuasa! Btw, 
I miss miss miss miss super miss Kek Lapis Sarawak! My friend's mum make the best kek lapis ever!! but she is in Kuching! =( 
I miss the chicken cooked in bamboo. I have no idea what they call it but it is heavenly delicious! Is it possible to find it here in KL??
I miss rendang! Beef rendang!! Argh!!!
I miss masak lemak cili api!!!
I miss cendol!!!
I miss laksa sarawak!!!
I miss tapai nasi and tapai ubi!!!

Eh.. err.. Why all food?

Somebody..really please courier some to me?? Pweety please???
I wonder where can I find Ramadhan Bazaar like in my hometown ='( here....