Elf Brushes and my other brushes ( Body Shop brushes, Sephora Brushes, Ecotools brushes)

Disclaimer: I am not a make up artist nor pro nor senior. I just started playing with make up earlier this year, Especially when it comes to brushes I know nothing.. So... I hope you don't be too hard on me =) * puppy dog eyes*

 When it comes to cosmetic I don't know whether it is just me or all make up junkies out there think Malaysia sucks.
 ( don't get me wrong this is only 'sometimes' feeling)
 Well, first of all we cannot get any cheap decent brushes round, not only brushes, we cannot get any cheap, good, decent quality cosmetics be it eye shadows, blusher, foundation (you name it), etc. Best way is to order via sprees, which could take ages!!!

Now, lets talk about brushes =D
I just got this 2 Elf Brushes. I didn't do much research but I heard they were cheap and have good quality. Well, it IS in fact cheap. Come on RM12 per brush? That IS cheap! I got this from +tique. She even have Urban Decay, Bare Minerals, Coastal Scent. Haiya! just go over to her site if you want more! =P  Besides from having ready stock, she is also doing special order JUST for you. Which is not the same as sprees. This will be individual order. Meaning, more expensive =( but slightly faster =)
Well I inquiry few times but deal only once. She is nice. She don't bite I promise =D

Concealer brush (Left) Eye Shadow Brush (Right) Both at 12 each.

NOTE: I am talking about those 2 brushes above okay? I don't know about other Elf's brushes. Feel free to drop any comments about any brushes that you know :)

Elf Eye Shadow Brush
Honest opinion from me? I still love my Body Shop eye shadow brush. 
Mainly because, from the picture I saw online I thought it will be stiffer and longer as in more like a paddle brush. I prefer paddle blush for application. This one is more for blending and smudging or maybe for light application. I feel it is more fluffy than dense.. . For me, ( when I use it) it wont pick up eye shadow as good as my Body Shop and Ecotools eye shadow brush. Bristle wise, it is soft but not as soft as the Ecotools brush. Overall a good buy for RM12 =) Can't complain much.

Elf Concealer Brush
I love this one. It can be double up as an eye shadow brush! Yay! Good for the outer corner of my eyes. Coz my eyes are so small!
Good for applying concealer to my pimple spots as I don't have that big marks to cover.
But for some of you, it might be too small. Because this one is really tiny weeny! Or if you have Body Shop  eye shadow brushes (paddle brush) like mine or similar one you can use it as a concealer brush as well. There is no rule when it comes to what brushes you should use for what application. As long as it suits your face and things you want to do it will be fine :)

 I start to love make up around March this year, but I only start buying somewhere in June. When Singapore is having GSS =P ( I got extra tourist discount ma!)

These are what I've gotten so far.

Say hello to my lion!

I love MAC brushes but I couldn't afford it as yet. Maybe when I'm working. But I don't plan to starve myself for it. I rather starve over handbags! As the tittles says, my brushes are from Body Shop, Elf, Sephora and Ecotools. I'm planning to get more from Ecotools. We'll see. Or should I just start saving and buy MAC instead??? Hmmmm..... Or someone could buy me???  Btw, my birthday is on 25th May, Just buy one MAC brushes for me I would be happy =D hehehe

My blush brushes. See the angled one from Sephora already have fly-away bristle ( is that what you call it? or frayed? ) Like I said before the Ecotools is uber soft and dense! I think I got this in Shinns for RM45? Really worth it! And it fits my face contour perfectly! Oh! forget to put the one from Body Shop as well! Haih! The Body Shop brush is not nice! It is soft, but I feel it is too long for me. It is not suitable for me. Maybe I'll use it for foundation one day.

Next are my Elf eye shadow brush and my Sephora smudge brush (blending)
See told you! They look the same right? Making the Elf's one is better for blending as it is longer and less dense, then again it depends on individuals preferences :)
I don't really like it because I rarely use the smudge brush (Sephora). But now the Elf has been added into my collection. Haih! Normally I just use my blending brush ( Sephora). It's in the lion picture the fifth from the right. Right on the left of my eyeliner brush.

And now my kabuki and powder brush.

The kabuki ( Body Shop) brush is super excellent ( to me) Super super super nice =) The retractable powder blush ( Sephora) is so so only. The foundation brush that I have is from Body Shop as well, oklah, nothing much.

I guess thats it.

Oh wait! one really big con about Body Shop brush is their handle. I HATE them so much! You see, I use brush guards to protect and cover most of my brushes, and brush guards only have only few specific measurement. And the net can be expanded. Bad thing is, the end of the handle is too big. When you slide it from the bottom ( I don't think you can slide it from the top)  it stretches and become big and because of that it couldn't fit nicely on the bristle part. Which annoys me to the max! The net is sometimes so loose it tends to slide off. This is when my brushes start getting fly-aways!!! Will comment about that more when I do review on Brush Guard. I know a lot of people had done theirs but I just wanna add my opinion. Extra opinion wouldn't hurt right? =D

Coastal Scent brushes is on the way!! =) Together with my Monistat Chafing Gel. Guess what.. I just found out that a tube will last you  a long time! And I bought 2! Greedy Silly me!