Olive Oil Hair Mask

Some people are born with healthy thick black hair and some aren't. There is this girl who put up a video on Youtube showing you how to make a DIY hair mask with only Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Most of the videos I watched previously add raw honey, eggs, etc in to the mixture.. Honestly , I don't like the idea of putting honey on my head. And where can I find raw honey?! I'm sure the good one would cost a bomb. And if I use the normal one would the result still be the same?? I don't have such a thick hair to put on risk! =(

I didn't know that I can pretty much get the same result if I just use olive oil.
All you have to do is warm it up in microwave for 2 minutes. Make sure it is warm and not hot! Or you could go bald! =P Apply the olive oil on your damped hair. I only apply from mid length to the end, if you apply it on your scalp, the oil will make it oily. But if you accidentally did it, no biggie, you can wash it later.

Then wrap your head for 1 hour.  I know this is long but the result might even last for a week =D Don't worry about the awful smell the oil will leave behind. After 1 hour, just wash and conditioned your hair like you would normally do. This helps me with my frizzy hair. My hair condition is not that bad. But after perming and colouring I find this method helps. You can assume that this won't treat you hair but it will conditioned it and make it appear smoother =D

Try this at your own risk ;) Don't blame me if anything goes wrong.

Credit Google

ps: I'm going to be very busy the next few weeks. I have NYX swatches and review coming up which I don't know when.. I hope soon.