I hope you guys had a wonderful awesome weekend! =D I know I had a pretty fat weekend =P I went on a road trip to Malacca with my house mate. Yeap only the two of us. Drive all the way from KL just for a bowl of Cendol.
Okay..I lied.
I had 2 bowl of Cendol, 2 bowl of Laksa and a plate of Chicken rice balls in 3 hours! Well I wanted to eat Cendol so badly for months! If not because I almost puke after eating Laksa I think I would have eaten my 3rd bowl of Cendol!
I think I gained weight from my Malacca road trip!!! OH NO!! See my chubby face =( Yes I am all sweaty (picture taken on the way back from Malacca.). Wanna hug? =P
Enough on that
. I want to show you my touch up pictures. It's been a week now. So I guess this is the best time to show you guys before and after pictures :)
As mentioned in my previous post, my eyeliner were not balance and thank you heaven the color didn't stay! Especially on the right one. You have to wait for at least 28 days before you can go for another touch up.
This time around, it wasn't that painful because I complained and the girl leave the anesthetic (numbing cream) on my eyes a little longer.
Honestly. I regret going through this. Paying RM1288 for the embroidery and going through the pain. Some said I look nice with my new brows but my mum think the opposite. Frankly, I believe my mum knows best. ( I miss mummy!)
Here is my eyes right after embroidery. They haven't really clean my eyes yet, so forgive me if the black ink around my eyes disgust you.
They lined both eyes.
Here is the close up on my right eyes. The color residue at the corner of my right eye from previous touch up is still there :( Grrr!!! I hate it!

She did extent my brows a little longer. Sadly the color on my brows are not even. Even though I did embroidery I have to touch up the color with my Shu Uemura pencil. The middle part of my brows are greyish while the inner part are light brown. I have so much problems with the colors! My sister in law, she did only once and the color stay pretty well! And the color they use is not even black!!
Notice the color below? They are really depressing sometimes. =(
Picture above was taken directy after touch up. Now, my brows are not balance AGAIN! Sigh! I guess another touch up next month.
Most highly likely this will be my last update on my embroidery, pretty much I go through the same thing over and over again. If anything extraordinary happens I will definitely blog about it.
If you are planning to get your brows or eyeliners done there are some points you need to remember.
- Forget about the free touch up that comes together with your package when you sign up for the embroidery. Mine came with 2 free touch up for brows and upper liner while one for lower liner. I used them all up already. I planned to use it next year so I don't have to pay extra when I want to add colors to my brows or liners. I guess I was wrong. The color don't even stay and I guess I have to pay extra if I want to get my brows and liners done. This depends on individual as well because my sister in law liners seem to stay pretty well. But Bluunis beautician will eventually forced you to use up all your free touch up.
- Bluunis guaranteed your brows and eyeliners for a month. So if the color didn't stay (usually after 4 days you can tell) make sure you make another appointment with them for next month.
- Price wise, they are really expensive! So make sure you know your rights as a consumer. I have been patience enough with them up to my last visit where I eventually leave the place with super sour face.
- You might get free facial included in your embroidery package. If they are free go for it. If not please don't buy. Their facial are not really good. When you compare them with Aster Spring the way their beautician handles your facial are not professional enough. So is their environment. They told me that I won RM300 cash voucher that can be used with any package I bought. Honestly, I think they lied. They never show me the physical voucher and their beautician are famous for being so kind to let customer use their own personal vouchers. Scam or not you decide. But the package that were introduced to me cost almost RM2000 and initially she said I can pay in 2 installments. But when I keep rejecting she mentioned I can get the package plus all the products by paying them on monthly basis. So flexible? So desprate for customer!
- My package came with 4 free hydrating mask but the beautician never tell me until I discover it myself. Our conversation went on like this.
ME: What is F4M?
B: Free 4 hydrating mask for you.
ME: I haven't collect them yet but why the remark here stated collected?
B: You didn't? The blue colour packaging?
ME: No.
B: I will check for you. (she went inside her office. After few minutes she came out) I will pass them to you on your next visit okay? I need to ask my colleague first.
On my next visit they gave me my masks. I honestly thought they forget. Until I read from other beauty blog that the beautician actually took the masks home for her own use. The blogger went to the same branch I went, Sunway Pyramid. Ethical much huh? I don't blame them, the mask cost RM68 each. They must have been salivating over the mask all the time.
Thats all I can remember for now. If you have been to Bluunis before and had bad experience with them. Tell me. I wold love to hear about them. If you need to know more about them ask away. I hope I can help :)