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Depotting Naked Palette.

After contemplating and debating with myself whether I should destroy my Naked palette or not I decided to go ahead with the mission. It is definitely painful to let the palette go but the velvet casing is killing me. They have gotten really dirty. Should have seen that coming...sheesh....
So here it is. Another short post on how to depot your palette. All the same old steps with the previous post...
 Anyhu.. here it is.

My gorgeous baby.

Just find a tiny gap like below for you to insert your knife.

Place your knife in and wiggle wiggle. Remember BE GENTLE. The palette is made out of paper so you will get the eyeshadow pan out eventually. Just be patient. You wouldn't want to really destroy the eyeshadow considering how much money you have already forked out.

See coming out already. Push a bit more a bit more....

There you have it. Now just pick them up with your finger. Yay you have a baby now! Lame




All my Urban Decay eyeshadows in one palette. Isn't it wonderful. Yes I realized this palette is a bit dirty too....

I am so gaining weight. I have been munching on Dove Crispy chocolate lately! Haih....