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Intense Pulse Light (IPL) @ Winkwax Singapore

Aloha beauties =D

All women want to have hairless legs, hands, body, face etc.. But not all women are born lucky. Not all of us have great hair free skin. Lucky me I have only the tiniest almost invisible hair on my arms and my legs. Teeny bit visible hair above my lips.  But sadly when it come to my under arms, you can see visible ingrown hair and scars from frequent plucking and shaving years back ( I don't shave now, only pluck).

My friends used to asked me don't I fell pain when I plucked why don't I just shave? My answer will be " Hell yea its painful!!! but shaving will make my underarm hair grow thicker and they grow kinda fast compared to plucking." Fyi, I plucked my underarm hair every 4 days. I couldn't stand the itchy feeling when the evil hair start sprouting out from my skin! When this happen I will tend to scratch my underarm and imagine how embarrassing will that be???? Especially when I am outside! (and I don't do it on purpose!)  I will look like a monkey! So my solution is to go for IPL. 

Initially I thought IPL is the same with Laser Hair Removal treatment. I guess I am wrong. But anyway they are commonly known laser hair removal now. You can read more on Intense Pulse Light (IPL) and Laser Hair Removal. I hope their info are accurate. Honestly , I know nothing about this. I only know they will make you semi-permanently hairless. =D How nice???? 

My bf bought an IPL treatment for me online from DEAL It was SGD28 after 84% discount. The normal price was SGD180. I was so thrilled. I thought I could be semi permanent hairless after I go for the treatment. Obviously I did not do more research before hand. I thought I could get the result only after one treatment and they didn't state that it was a trial.... =( Well just to let you know. To get semi permanent hairless result you will have to go for at least 6 treatments! 

I obviously still have underarm hair. I couldn't really show you the before and after pictures because there will be no obvious difference. So I decided to save myself from all the humiliation by not posting them =P Since you won't get any benefit from them anyway. But I still can post of somebody's armpit =P

Thanks to google!

Before you go for the treatment make sure you didn't pluck, shave or remove your underarm hair at least 5 days prior to your appointment. They said if you do so, you won't be able to tell the difference of before and after result. That is why I have to reschedule my first appointment =(

Even though the promotion for SGD28 had expired, they are still having promotion right now for first trial, ranging from SGD38 to SGD98. Check Winwax website for more.

My first trial experience was really pleasant actually. The only unpleasant experience was trying to find their shop! Their signboard is not even visible from across the road!
Their outlet is located at Peck Seah Street, near Tanjong Pagar MRT station exit A
Try to spot it patiently when you are there... It's not visible from the picture but at least you know which building to aim now.

The beautician who attended me can't speak English. Not even a simple one =( But I like her because she tried to explain to me in Mandarin and I pretend to understand :p Hahahaha... And she was friendly too. She introduced me to their latest promotion and that's it. She don't persistently chase me to sign up for their package. Thumbs up =)
Their room are decent. Clean and tidy :) No weird smell of previous customer's armpit, private area  etc... (joking!)

The machine.

Now lets start with the procedure. After changing into their gown, she cleaned my underarm with the Pre Wax Treatment Spray.

Then, she applied cold gel.

She handed the goggle for me to wear. The goggle actually look more like a spectacles. With the goggle on I looked like a fly..Eeeeee

 Next she start using the machine. The machine does produce very bright beam. I guess that is why people mistakenly assumed they are going for Laser Hair Removal treatment....
The pain level was bearable. It feels like someone keep repeatedly pinching your underarm or more accurately it feels like you are plucking your hair with tweezers.. You will feel hot sensation and hear sound as if your hair is burning. But its not painful. Then she wiped off the cold gel and start plucking your hair with tweezers. Last step is to apply lotion under your arm. And you are done! 

Like I mentioned previously to get the semi permanent hairless result you will have to go for at least 6 treatments. Total for 6 treatments at Winwax is SGD380. There is one saloon in Sunway Pyramid offering this treatment as well called Strip but they charged RM1880 for 6 treatments. In Strip, first trial will be 50% off which is RM225. Normal price for one session is RM450. If you have the budget go ahead and try.

Btw, I am not promoting Winkwax or Strip, I am merely sharing my experience with you. If you have zero knowledge about IPL before, now you have at least 2% of the total knowledge =P Other saloon might offer better services but only these 2 I am aware of so far =D

For after result, I only can tell you what I experienced so far. Honestly, my scars are still visible but not much ingrown hair now. When I recently plucked my underarm hair after1 week I did the treatment I was surprise that I didn't feel anything. As if my hair looks like they are there but they are not grown out from my skin (get it?). I read before that after the first treatment you can actually easily pull out your hair with your fingers, but I didn't believe it until I experienced them myself! Now, I am so happy that my hair growth is much slower! Very slow! =D Do note that result upon first trial might vary depending on individual =D

If you have lots of hair, be it on your legs, arms, upper lips, etc.. and you are sick of shaving or plucking go for this treatment! Provided you have enough money of course =D please fall from the sky! Or can I ask somebody to courier them to me from above?