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Urban Decay Primer Potion (Limited Edition)

I was so happy when I found out that Urban Decay primer potion will be available in tube packaging. I hope this won't dry as fast as the one in the bottle. This limited edition baby only available in professional size which is 150% more than their original size. Awesome right? Product wise they are still the same old Urban Decay primer potion that most of us love! =D I got this via spree. Around RM127 or RM140 I think. They are retailing at USD29 in Sephora Singapore will have this end of the year or early next year. If you are interested make sure you update yourself with the latest status!
 Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker XL Extreme sold out in 2 weeks time in Sephora Singapore! Not so sure when they gonna restock it. But a review on the SMP XL Extreme will be up soon =D 

Now lets feast your eyes with my limited edition UDPP =P

Smaller tip. Less air go n and out. Unlike their original version. They should just keep this packaging permanent..

See... One happy family! =D The mistress in Sin is not invited to the family photo taking session =P

So tempted to get them yet??  I am a big fan of Urban Decay =p