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Cracked Nail Polish

Finally!!! I've finished my entry for Intense Pulse Light. Gonna publish the post as soon as I get the pictures done :p Meanwhile enjoy this post.... Pretty girls have to have pretty manicure too ya know :p and pedicure too :p

It's nail time! :D

Kinda busy lately. So this is the best way to get pretty manicure in the shortest time available :D Plus cracked nail polish dries pretty quick.

How to apply them you asked?

As always start with a base. Then layer it off with a pretty base. Depending on what color is the cracked nail polish. In my case it's purple. So to bring out the purple I use gold as a base. You can use silver, white etc.. Take your pick.

These were the colours used.

Let the gold base dry. The colour is a bit messy but it is okay :) Clean them after you are done with cotton bud dipped in nail polish remover.

Next apply the purple color nail polish quickly! Depending on the brands, some dries pretty quick and some are not. 
The brand above is CH Nail. Bought from The Curve flea market for RM29.90. This one dries pretty quick. Thin layer or thick layer makes a difference.

As you can see below on my index finger the cracks are pretty small because I applied thin layer.

In picture below the nail polish was applied pretty thick. The cracks are further apart and the base colour is more obvious compare to the above. Which one do you like? I personally like the result from applying a thin layer instead of a thick one. 

After applying the cracked nail polish your nail polish colour will turn matte. If you want extra SHINE just apply top coat =D
Easy peasy. I applied them all in less than 5 minutes!You should really try them!

Aside from The Curve Flea Market, you can get this at Sasa for the same price but in different brand or pasar malam.
 For Mirians you can get this nail polish in Bintang Plaza, beauty supply shop beside near Popular book store.

My picture I took on my previous trip to Malacca. And I am eating Cendol. I love Cendol so much. Just looking at the picture makes me want to have another bowl of Cendol! Garrrhhh!