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World's Coolest Intern

Internship is boring. How I wish no one would have to go through that. Well at least me. I deserves more than just a morning with documents piling up to be filed, arranged etc.. I deserve more than boring 8am to 5pm job, I deserve more than being a "coffee maker" in the morning, I definitely don't deserve non-paid internship.I deserve a better one. Much better and in fact not too much if I say a cooler one. Even though I will be an accounting graduate in the future. Account people are not necessarily dull boring nerds you see with glasses. 

Work as hard as you play is definitely the key of being successful. I am always on the go for something fun for something adventurous. Last year, I made a good quick bucks from selling clothes online. Which definitely leave me with pretty good amount of money to spend. I am pretty proud of my accomplishment thus far. Internet is not something I am familiar with back in the year 2005 and definitely I have moved far from where I have started =) Actually further than I thought I could ever be and of course I am still going and moving forward.

Realizing I talked less in class and having really small social circle make me step up and create a blog for my new passion. Beauty. Not only restricted to my local readers I was amazed how through blogging I have met some new friends from other countries.  The small social circle I once used to have is growing larger and larger. You can't look down in the power of blogging. Really.. 

Noble traits in me that you definitely shouldn't miss. I am a fast leaner, teach me, guide me. If I put my heart into it I'll master it in no time. I think out of the box, dull and boring? Not me. Persistence. I pursue what I want. I get where I want to be.By hook or by crook I will be there. I take up challenge, I do not walk or crawl, I fly. My attitude is infectious, I can influence you in no time =)  Dedicated. I get my job done and more. I will always be a step ahead. I can reach out to almost every single person out there.Paired up with presentable personality you know you want me ;)