NYX Chrome Eyeshadows

I don't like their single pressed eyeshadows but I really love their loose eyeshadow! Very pigmented. The main reason I bought these is the price. It was RM8 per 2g jar! I will not have so much colours to play with if I buy from MAC =(

 So here are the colours that I bought. I forget my list back home so I hope the name I mentioned for each of them is correct.

From top left Lilac, Herb, Golden Pink, Orange, Dust, Space, Red, Olive, Amethy and 3 Wise Men.
I personally love Orange, Red, and Space very much. Wanted to buy Bayou but it was sold out =(

I swatched with Urban Decay Primer Potion as the base. These were swatched dry, if you use them wet the colours are more vibrant =D
From left Amethy, Golden Pink, Orange, Red, Space, Herb, Dust, Lilac, 3 Wise Men and Olive.
This is what you call value buy!

I did realized that a lot of Youtubers transferred their Chrome Eyeshadows to a 5g jar because it can be quite messy if you use the original jar. For me, as long as I cover it back with the lid that comes with it, I'm good.
 Don't be lazy! It doesn't even take more than 30 seconds to put it back in place.

It is even better when the lid is attached to the cap =P Make life much easier!

Enkore reviewed these eyeshadows and I take his word for granted and I don't regret. If you love pigments you should buy these. Where to get them might be a problem tho. Aside from the forum I seriously don't know where I can get these =(
If you do please leave me a comment okay?? :)

RM8 is however their sale price. The normal price would be RM15-RM20. I bought these from 2 sellers in LowYat, Nyx Cosmetics Malaysia(unofficial) and Shazzac
I doubt they have much stocks left.

Before decided on which colours to purchase I spent 2 good hours going through Youtube back and forth before I found this link! So to make your life easier here is the link. This lady she reviewed all 60 colours of the eyeshadows!!! How cool is that!

There are 6 videos in total. She swatched 10 colours on each video. Here are the the chart from NYX website which cannot be trusted at all!

That's not all!!! Remember few post back I told you how awesome Urban Decay Primer potion (UDPP) is?? Well, I haven't change my mind yet =P Even when the product is awesome the packaging design do sucks big time. Not only me but thousands of people have complained. Some of them even resort to decapitating their cute UDPP bottle just to get the most out of the small bottle! =( Recently UD change the wand (applicator) of UDPP which make a lot of people happy . And now UDPP comes in very cute tube!!!! Yipee!

Don't get too excited yet. This item is only available online now. It will be released in stores in October. WTF?? yea WTF? Well when they say " it will be released in store" I assumed in the USA. So when will they have it here!?!?!?! In Singapore or in Malaysia?!?!?! When?!?! Even my Naked palette haven't reach Singapore market yet! Darn you!
Bad thing this is LIMITED EDITION!!
So stock up ladies! Stock up!

They do mentioned that it is professional size so I assume it will be big. Hmmm....

I might be able to get my hands on the famous Urban Decay Naked Palette, most probably by mid September. If you are interested in owning one email me at yourwarehouse@gmail.com. One palette will cost RM200 =)

Depotting your NYX Jumbo Pencil and NYX Jumbo Pencil swatches coming up!
READ MORE - NYX Chrome Eyeshadows

NYX Lipsticks and Lip Gloss.

I recently watched a lot of Youtube make up tutorials. And almost all of the make up gurus recommend NYX as a cheaper alternatives, be it for eyeshadows, lipsticks, lip glosses etc.. I am never a fan of lipstick. I guess I haven't find the right one yet. Jennifer from Head to Toe really love NYX eyeshadows and lipsticks and because I love her, I bought a few lipsticks to try out, one lip gloss and one eyeshadow in Yellow Funk.

First let start out with the lipstick.
I bought 3. RM10 for each. very cheap! 
From left to right. Harmonica, Jupiter, Circe
According to the Youtubers, the lipsticks are very pigmented. I must agree with this. For RM10 what more could you asked for? Gives you nice color pay off. Seriously not a bad product. It doesn't have weird lipstick smell, which I  normally call 'auntie smell'. But too bad I don't like the smell on these lipsticks either. They smell nice but when I swipe it on my lips it smell like laundry detergent. Yucks! But then again, my nose is pretty sensitive to smell.
I think I am one out of ten who think the smell sucks. If you don't mind the smell, go ahead and try.

I do love their lip gloss so much!! I am planning to get few more soon =P. Each priced at RM10 as well. I bought only one.

This is RLG36 Balerina Pink. This lip gloss is not sticky. Maybe that's why it doesn't have longer stay power. But I don't mind applying it every 2 hours. I love the smell. I love the non-sticky texture and best of all the color matches my lips!! =D I have chapped lips recently and this softens the bad appearance of my lips =). I've tried few other brands like Averine, Clinique, and EL and I don't like them.

Move on to the eyeshadow. I bought one to try out. And boy I was disappointed. The shadow cracked soo easily! Horrible. And it wasn't that cheap also!!! RM14.90 I consider that to be expensive for the quality. But then again, I only bought one I couldn't speak for the whole community can I??  I rather pay for Coastal Scent palette. The 42 double stack eyeshadow and blusher palette is amazing!

I guess that's it. I will be swatching NYX Chrome Eyeshadow next. And I totally love them!
READ MORE - NYX Lipsticks and Lip Gloss.

Oh Darn.... ( DIY Palette)

This might be the stupidest thing I did.
Remember my 78 Palette? I tried to depot my Urban Decay Skull Palette and I succeeded. Then I thought why not try it with my 78 palette? And I did! First the blush starts to cracked! Fine I stopped. Then I got really annoyed because the plastic case looked so horrible I started to depot the rest. And I failed!!! Most of the eye shadows, eyeliners, blushes cracked so badly beyond repair. I thought of keeping them since I still can dig the colors out. But I feel really annoyed just by looking at it. I take them all and tossed them into the rubbish bin!!!! There you go! Argh! 

Word of advise don't ever ever EVER try to depot any of your Coastal Scent or those palette that look like Coastal Scent. The pan used to press the eye shadow is too thin! Unlike my Urban Decay the pan is quite thick. They won't get damaged if you wiggle your knife beneath it to loosen up the glue (without heat). Haih... Plus, matte eyeshadow cracked easily compare to shimmer ones. I don't know why...

Annoyed to the max!! But I've ordered another palette. This time I ordered the 88 matte colors. And I promise myself I won't go and destroy this palette.

Btw,I transfered my Urban Decay eye shadows into Elianto's palette (cheaper than MAC obviously and with mirror!). Beside that, I depotted my Shu Uemura blusher and concealer into it as well. I had depotted my NYX Jumbo Pencils. I'm done with milk and brown. I don't think I will depot the rest tho, I will tell you why when I blog about it. Pictures will be upload as well.. I scooped some of Milk and Brown and placed it in the empty pans I got from my 78 palette.

 I like it actually =D 
Sorry that it looked a bit dirty. =P Next I am planning to depot few colourful eye shadows to complete my palette =D I can travel with this single palette next time. How convenient! =D

RIP my 78 palette =(
READ MORE - Oh Darn.... ( DIY Palette)

This Made My Day

You might have seen this video before but I just watched it through Ray William Johnson's channel and I want to share it with you =D
I laughed damn hard!

I hope you enjoy it too =P

READ MORE - This Made My Day

Olive Oil Hair Mask

Some people are born with healthy thick black hair and some aren't. There is this girl who put up a video on Youtube showing you how to make a DIY hair mask with only Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Most of the videos I watched previously add raw honey, eggs, etc in to the mixture.. Honestly , I don't like the idea of putting honey on my head. And where can I find raw honey?! I'm sure the good one would cost a bomb. And if I use the normal one would the result still be the same?? I don't have such a thick hair to put on risk! =(

I didn't know that I can pretty much get the same result if I just use olive oil.
All you have to do is warm it up in microwave for 2 minutes. Make sure it is warm and not hot! Or you could go bald! =P Apply the olive oil on your damped hair. I only apply from mid length to the end, if you apply it on your scalp, the oil will make it oily. But if you accidentally did it, no biggie, you can wash it later.

Then wrap your head for 1 hour.  I know this is long but the result might even last for a week =D Don't worry about the awful smell the oil will leave behind. After 1 hour, just wash and conditioned your hair like you would normally do. This helps me with my frizzy hair. My hair condition is not that bad. But after perming and colouring I find this method helps. You can assume that this won't treat you hair but it will conditioned it and make it appear smoother =D

Try this at your own risk ;) Don't blame me if anything goes wrong.

Credit Google

ps: I'm going to be very busy the next few weeks. I have NYX swatches and review coming up which I don't know when.. I hope soon.
READ MORE - Olive Oil Hair Mask

This Is What I'm Feeling

One of my all time favourite. I hope you enjoy it as mush as I do :)

She was staring out that window, of that SUV
Complaining, saying I can't wait to turn 18
She said I'll make my own money, and I'll make my own rules
Mamma put the car in park out there in front of the school
Then she kissed her head and said I was just like you

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by
He tells her It's a nice place
She says It'll do for now
Starts talking about babies and buying a house
Daddy shakes his head and says Baby just slow down

'Cause You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

Five years later there's a plumber workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin'
One kid's cryin', one kid's screamin'
She keeps apologizin'
He says they don't bother me
I've got 2 babies of my own
One's 36, one's 23
Huh, it's hard to believe

But you're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
You're gonna miss this
Yeah, you're gonna miss this

This song makes me don't want to grow up =(
Great song. Love it so much! And the lyrics are true.
READ MORE - This Is What I'm Feeling

Elf Brushes and my other brushes ( Body Shop brushes, Sephora Brushes, Ecotools brushes)

Disclaimer: I am not a make up artist nor pro nor senior. I just started playing with make up earlier this year, Especially when it comes to brushes I know nothing.. So... I hope you don't be too hard on me =) * puppy dog eyes*

 When it comes to cosmetic I don't know whether it is just me or all make up junkies out there think Malaysia sucks.
 ( don't get me wrong this is only 'sometimes' feeling)
 Well, first of all we cannot get any cheap decent brushes round, not only brushes, we cannot get any cheap, good, decent quality cosmetics be it eye shadows, blusher, foundation (you name it), etc. Best way is to order via sprees, which could take ages!!!

Now, lets talk about brushes =D
I just got this 2 Elf Brushes. I didn't do much research but I heard they were cheap and have good quality. Well, it IS in fact cheap. Come on RM12 per brush? That IS cheap! I got this from +tique. She even have Urban Decay, Bare Minerals, Coastal Scent. Haiya! just go over to her site if you want more! =P  Besides from having ready stock, she is also doing special order JUST for you. Which is not the same as sprees. This will be individual order. Meaning, more expensive =( but slightly faster =)
Well I inquiry few times but deal only once. She is nice. She don't bite I promise =D

Concealer brush (Left) Eye Shadow Brush (Right) Both at 12 each.

NOTE: I am talking about those 2 brushes above okay? I don't know about other Elf's brushes. Feel free to drop any comments about any brushes that you know :)

Elf Eye Shadow Brush
Honest opinion from me? I still love my Body Shop eye shadow brush. 
Mainly because, from the picture I saw online I thought it will be stiffer and longer as in more like a paddle brush. I prefer paddle blush for application. This one is more for blending and smudging or maybe for light application. I feel it is more fluffy than dense.. . For me, ( when I use it) it wont pick up eye shadow as good as my Body Shop and Ecotools eye shadow brush. Bristle wise, it is soft but not as soft as the Ecotools brush. Overall a good buy for RM12 =) Can't complain much.

Elf Concealer Brush
I love this one. It can be double up as an eye shadow brush! Yay! Good for the outer corner of my eyes. Coz my eyes are so small!
Good for applying concealer to my pimple spots as I don't have that big marks to cover.
But for some of you, it might be too small. Because this one is really tiny weeny! Or if you have Body Shop  eye shadow brushes (paddle brush) like mine or similar one you can use it as a concealer brush as well. There is no rule when it comes to what brushes you should use for what application. As long as it suits your face and things you want to do it will be fine :)

 I start to love make up around March this year, but I only start buying somewhere in June. When Singapore is having GSS =P ( I got extra tourist discount ma!)

These are what I've gotten so far.

Say hello to my lion!

I love MAC brushes but I couldn't afford it as yet. Maybe when I'm working. But I don't plan to starve myself for it. I rather starve over handbags! As the tittles says, my brushes are from Body Shop, Elf, Sephora and Ecotools. I'm planning to get more from Ecotools. We'll see. Or should I just start saving and buy MAC instead??? Hmmmm..... Or someone could buy me???  Btw, my birthday is on 25th May, Just buy one MAC brushes for me I would be happy =D hehehe

My blush brushes. See the angled one from Sephora already have fly-away bristle ( is that what you call it? or frayed? ) Like I said before the Ecotools is uber soft and dense! I think I got this in Shinns for RM45? Really worth it! And it fits my face contour perfectly! Oh! forget to put the one from Body Shop as well! Haih! The Body Shop brush is not nice! It is soft, but I feel it is too long for me. It is not suitable for me. Maybe I'll use it for foundation one day.

Next are my Elf eye shadow brush and my Sephora smudge brush (blending)
See told you! They look the same right? Making the Elf's one is better for blending as it is longer and less dense, then again it depends on individuals preferences :)
I don't really like it because I rarely use the smudge brush (Sephora). But now the Elf has been added into my collection. Haih! Normally I just use my blending brush ( Sephora). It's in the lion picture the fifth from the right. Right on the left of my eyeliner brush.

And now my kabuki and powder brush.

The kabuki ( Body Shop) brush is super excellent ( to me) Super super super nice =) The retractable powder blush ( Sephora) is so so only. The foundation brush that I have is from Body Shop as well, oklah, nothing much.

I guess thats it.

Oh wait! one really big con about Body Shop brush is their handle. I HATE them so much! You see, I use brush guards to protect and cover most of my brushes, and brush guards only have only few specific measurement. And the net can be expanded. Bad thing is, the end of the handle is too big. When you slide it from the bottom ( I don't think you can slide it from the top)  it stretches and become big and because of that it couldn't fit nicely on the bristle part. Which annoys me to the max! The net is sometimes so loose it tends to slide off. This is when my brushes start getting fly-aways!!! Will comment about that more when I do review on Brush Guard. I know a lot of people had done theirs but I just wanna add my opinion. Extra opinion wouldn't hurt right? =D

Coastal Scent brushes is on the way!! =) Together with my Monistat Chafing Gel. Guess what.. I just found out that a tube will last you  a long time! And I bought 2! Greedy Silly me!
READ MORE - Elf Brushes and my other brushes ( Body Shop brushes, Sephora Brushes, Ecotools brushes)

78 Colors Blush and Eyeshadow Combo Palette.

Well, yay! My palette has arrived as expected  :)
But sad to say I was a bit disappointed in it. First of all, one of the yellow crack a little. But that's no biggie. I wanted most of the colors to be matte, and yes the colors are mostly matte and few shimmers too. But the matte one doesn't seem to stick on my skin. So far I only swatched it on arms with Urban Decay primer potion as a base. Still no luck :( A bit sad, because all the colors are gorgeous! Or maybe it is because of my yellow skin???  Hmmm... But I still love it most probably will use them as a highlight but I think I will definitely use this less compare to the 42 palette:)

The cover is made of plastic, with mirror. So it is like a compact powder case  but bigger. The size is probably half of A4 paper? and each eye shadow is almost 10cents in size. While blusher is bigger than 50cents of course. Most of the blusher I already have in my 42 double stack shimmer shadow and blush palette. Stupid me. Should have gotten the 88 palette instead! Ish! 

Almost all of the color in the first row invisible on my arms :( Even after I applied my primer.I'll try on my eyes next time. The pictures doesn't show the true colors of the palette. But they are gorgeous. I like the eyeliner which is in the rectangular . The color is a bit metallic.and shimmery. :) I guess I do love shimmer more than matte.

I've found a look on Youtube that I would like to copy =P It look like smokey eyes but with a bit of a twist to it =D

I have heavy eyelids or as you could say hooded eyelids, where you actually have double eyelids but when you open your eyes, it can't really be seen. Which is annoying! Its like you apply damn nice eyeshadow but others couldn't see! =(

But there is a good thing about it too. When you blink it will give double effect :) Like plain black eyeshadow like above and mix colors like below. 
(well I try to rationalized it to make myself happy actually =P) hahahaha

Notice the purple color? On Youtube the guru used pink =) My color is slightly pink actually but my camera couldn't capture it.... Next time should make the black area darker =D Then above the black I use grey :)

Oh!! sorry I over cut my lashes! Notice it is a bit short on the outer lid? =P and I forget to line my lid as well =P Btw, If you are wondering why I didn't take both eyes, it's because I was trying rainbow colors on my right eye. I tried to combine yellow, orange, pink, blue, purple and green BUT I failed. So ..maybe next time I'll try again =D
Here are more pictures for you to see. 

Damn! I should really pluck my eyebrow hair! Forgive the shortened lashes =(

Next time instead of purple I will try something else. And I'm sure it will turn out great!!! Maybe green? Red? Orange? Blue? Gold...Depending on the look I want to create =) But this one however is awesome for clubbing! Not like your normal smokey eyes with one color in different gradient ain't?

You can add wings to the eyeliner to make it more dramatic =D

Here are the colors I used.

MAC pigment in Pink Mauve for the purplish pink.

Matte black from the 78 Palette.

Silver above the black and new nude (whats wrong with me! )pull hair*) as a highlight.

My nails few weeks back :) Middle finger start to chip after few days.

READ MORE - 78 Colors Blush and Eyeshadow Combo Palette.

MAC pigments! =)

My MAC pigments just arrived today! And I am so happy! =) I got it for RM40. Well it is actually RM30, the extra RM10 is for the blogger who went to the Estee Lauder Warehouse sale for me. Sad I couldn't make it. But not having people to send me over and have to queue early just to get good stuff is not worth it I think. Might as well I pay extra RM10. At first I thought of buying MAC fluidliner but this time around the eyeliner comes in complete set =(

See my cheap MAC pigments! They are so adorable! 

Each bottles should weight 2.5g. From left Teal, Reflects Blackened Red, Pinked Mauve, Frost, Quietly. They are just the perfect size and most importantly the perfect price for me!!! 
I am definitely gonna play with them soon!=D
 Happy happy happy! say thank you to Jessying!!!

And I just received my parcel from Jade as well, decided to shed few more kgs =D My supplies for 10 days! Wish me luck =D 
I just hope I didn't get bad ulcer like I did first time around =( It was horrible!

Went to pyramid to buy hair heat protector. I bought something from Lakme range. Tried it and I don't really fancy the stiff result! =( I thought the protector spray should be smooth and silky :( I guess I bought the wrong one. Plus I bought some Ecotools brushes as well =)

I heard good reviews about them. If I know they have it in Shinns I won't go so far to buy brushes! I even ordered from Coastal Scents! I think my brushes should arrive in 2 weeks time. My Sephora blusher blush starts to have fly-away bristles ='( 

Btw, the blusher brush for this are amazing! So soft!! So dense! Better than my Sephora and Body Shop blush brush. Haven't use it yet. We'll see how :)
My Elf, brushes will most probably be arriving soon together with my 78 make up palette.Yay! I didn't bought it from Coastal Scent. Got it from Ebay. The seller claimed that it comes from the same manufacturer that supplies to Coastal Scent. Not sure how true, but we'll see when it arrives.

PS: On the 4th September there will be are warehouse sale for Loreal. Which includes famous brand such as Shu Uemura!! Biotherm, Giorgio Armani and much more. I heard last May the eye shadow brush was only RM20!!!!! Crazy! Over the counter they sell it for RM230! Lucky I didn't get any. If not I probably have already killed myself! 
And lashes!! For only RM20!!! I will definitely go this time!
But I have to go up Genting at 12pm. I hope I can make it. *cross finger*
READ MORE - MAC pigments! =)

Insanity at large

Well when I was younger (not that I am so old right now!) I always wanted to be somebody. Somebody rich, those career women. But now I am seriously too lazy to think of it. All I want right now is to marry a rich guy and live like a queen. Can? Not too much right? Well.. waiting list open! =P
READ MORE - Insanity at large

Merdeka Inspired Make Up Contest

Well, I never put up any picture of the end result when I make up huh? I decided to join the crowd =P
I did this look for a mini contest organised by NYX Cosmetic seller in Facebook =)
I just send in my pictures and it might take awhile for them to upload it I guess. The prizes are goodies worth up to RM100 :) You can join the fun too! The terms and conditions is somewhere on their page. Once my picture are up do "like" them =P Thank you in advance lovelies!!

Inspired by our Jalur Gemilang

Im not going out or anything. This look is solely for the contest purpose and I've got amnesia! Its 4.45am in the morning and I can't sleep =( Poor me! After this I'm gonna clear the make up off and go to bed.

Ohh. I got the super thick opera eyebrow because I just did my embroidery last Sunday.

I actually use 5 colors of eye shadows but I wonder whether all the colors visible. I kinda mixed it too much huh?

Well these were the products I used for this Merdeka look *wink*

5 eyeshadow colors all from Coastal Scent 42 Color Double Stack Shimmer Shadow & Blushes Palette
Black eyeliner ( MAC Blacktrack)
Nude shimmery lips (MAC pigments in Old Gold + Shu Uemura clear lip gloss)
Shu Uemura Blusher (Pink 30)
False Lashes
Bare Minerals Mineral Veil
Shu Uemura UV underbase mousse (Beige)
Averine Foundation (SL02)

Oh and as per usual my favourite Urban Decay Primer Potion. Planning to order some NYX Jumbo Pencils. Read quite a few good reviews about them. Hmmm...

Go and like this page! And look for my picture (might take sometime for them to upload it) and "LIKE" it!!! =D Do you like the colors?? I just love them! They are so shimmery!
READ MORE - Merdeka Inspired Make Up Contest

Its Ramadhan!!!

Well this is totally unrelated to me.. But I am Malaysian =P So Happy Ramadhan!! or should I say Selamat Berpuasa! Btw, 
I miss miss miss miss super miss Kek Lapis Sarawak! My friend's mum make the best kek lapis ever!! but she is in Kuching! =( 
I miss the chicken cooked in bamboo. I have no idea what they call it but it is heavenly delicious! Is it possible to find it here in KL??
I miss rendang! Beef rendang!! Argh!!!
I miss masak lemak cili api!!!
I miss cendol!!!
I miss laksa sarawak!!!
I miss tapai nasi and tapai ubi!!!

Eh.. err.. Why all food?

Somebody..really please courier some to me?? Pweety please???
I wonder where can I find Ramadhan Bazaar like in my hometown ='( here....

READ MORE - Its Ramadhan!!!

Sephora in MALAYSIA!!!!

Yes you heard me right!!! 

I just found out about this when I was blogwalking!! (or blog hopping? ) DAMN!!!! Now I don't have to go far to get all my pretty babies!!! But I'm afraid they might price it higher compared to Singapore because of the import tax =( Cross finger and hope that it won't happen!!! I don't know how many of you heard of Sephora. I just found out about it earlier this year when I walked along Orchard in Singapore! Amazing stuff they have!! truly a bliss. I have no idea on how big the store gonna be but lets hope its bigger than the one in ION Orchad, Singapore!!! Since the rental here is cheap anyway! Yay!!! Yay!!!! I'm so excited! and I think I can't sleep tonight =P

To view the cool SUPER cool picture captured by other blogger check makeupbybryan.

I hope its not a dream..please..please.. But it shouldn't be right?

READ MORE - Sephora in MALAYSIA!!!!

Happy Birthday Singapore

Well I had a wonderful weekend! Well today is Wednesday I'm a bit late for the hoo-haas but its okay =)

I hope you had a fantastic weekend. I didn't go club for such a very long time! Almost 3 months maybe?? When before I couldn't do even a week without it. So when Jimmy promised to bring me out for a crazy weekend I was thrilled. Well, it wasn't supposed to be crazy but I guessed I underestimated the reunion of 2 crazy people! =P I still remember back in my hometown I used to sneaked out of the house at 12 am just to go clubbing! =p

I believe you have your own crazy moments as well. Just want to share with you my outfits =D

Meet Shawn and Jimmy =)

Dress from Singapore flea market and cardigan from Sungai Wang =)

This one is blurr =(  Well its reverse bungy. SGD30 if you have student ID :)

We didn't plan to go club but we end up in Rebel for the night =)

My first time wearing flats to club!So comfy!!  I almost killed my feet the night before by wearing wedges!
Can you believe, the total money spent for my outfit is less than RM60!!! =) Well not including the handbag and my make up of course!.

When they say Urban Decay Primer Potion could make your eyeshadow last even after you wake up from sleep. Well trust me it IS TRUE! Splurge on them! I was super drunk so I couldn't wash my face or even change my dress. I just went to bed straight away. And wala!!! My eye make up is still there! Amazing!
I love Urban Decay so very much! =D Especially with their quirky packaging! =) Amazing :)


I miss Clarke Quay already!

READ MORE - Happy Birthday Singapore