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Soap & Glory Scrub Your Nose in It.

Mask time! 
 Soap & Glory needs no further introduction. So I am going straight to the product itself.
I purchased mine from Sephora Ion. For Malaysian, if you are interested in getting this you can always do it via spree or when you go for holiday abroad. 

Scrub Your Nose in It is a scrub. Duh! Well... a 2 in 1 scrub. A scrub and a mask. It claims to helps refine large pores and blemishes as well as deep cleanse your pores. Well lets put this to test shall we??

My expectation after using this product is to at least have a decent pore size, less blackheads and more polish and radiant skin. Let see if this product delivers all that. I had this for a month now, used it twice a week.

First of all! Their packaging! Their tagline is definitely catchy. I fall for that easily. Plus their packaging is pink (almost all their products are in pink), I guess the pink lover will definitely go gaga! Packaging overall I love. Simple, pretty and attractive. But we are certainly here not because of the packaging aren't we?

Product comes in 125ML squeeze tube. Nothing unusual. Retailing for SGD18.

Now lets take a look at the texture...

The product is in medium thick consistency. Even though they said that the product is a build in clay mask, don't expect any clay smell. The smell is actually similar to detergent. Ughh.. Some say like bubblegum. To me the smell is a turn off. Some will definitely like. As you can see from the picture, the scrub particles is not visible. It is not visible upfront too. But when you rub it with your fingers you can feel it. I guess it is fine enough...

The Yay!

For the minty lover, this will definitely be your favourite!! (I know my bf will) I've tried Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque, seriously the minty feeling you get from that mask is no where near this one!!! This feel super extremely cold and minty!! Very refreshed. The mask made my skin look more radiant, feel smoother and cleaner. The mask works in term of getting rid off my excess sebum. 

The Nay =(

When it comes to removing blackheads, don't get your hopes up. Or maybe my blackheads are super stubborn that only can be removed via extraction. Since it doesn't removes my blackheads, it doesn't unclog my pores as well. They do feel cleaner than before using the mask but definitely not 100% clean. No pore refining effect on me. My pores are still the same size as they were before the mask.

I have read good reviews on this mask on how it magically make ones blackheads disappear. I guess I am not that one person =( Results will vary. However, if you are still looking for that one perfect minty extra cooling effect mask then no doubt this is the one. I literally WOWed when I have this on my face! Plus for SGD18 (which is around RM44) I say this mask is in the okay range :) You will only need a pea sized product to be applied on your T-Zone. I guess I will need a year to finish this..or more than that! This might not be suitable for sensitive and very dry skin.

Now the Hows...

If you are planning to use this as a scrub, wet your face. Apply a pea sized amount on your damp T-Zone then massage GENTLY in circular motion. I some how feels that this scrub is rough even though the particles are super fine. Extend out to the less clogged on your face. Rinse. Apply moisturizer (very important!)

If you are planning to use this as a mask, do the same steps like above. Instead of rinsing it off leave it on your face for 3 mins (I leave mine up to 5 mins). Then Rinse. Apply moisturizer.

Thats it! Have you tried this before?? Share with me!! :) Or do you know any better mask. Share them!! =D Thank you lovelies for reading!

PS: For removing blackheads temporarily I still prefer the self-heating scrub or pore strip. How about you guys?