If you have been slathering moisturizer on your face, but neglecting your hands this winter, here's an easy way to treat them right and restore their natural moisture. I did this yesterday at home, and it left my skin glowing.
1. Apply a generous layer of lotion to your hands. In my case, I used Kiss My Face Honey & Calendula Moisturizer. 2. Then, pour about two tablespoons of apricot kernel oil and spread this across your hands too, so that your skin appears very shiny. Massage the lotion and oil combination into your skin for several minutes. 3. Then, taking a dry washcloth, wipe off the excess oil and lotion.
4. Then, apply a second layer of lotion and oil, and towel dry your skin again with a dry washcloth. You can repeat this step one or two more times.
Massaging with your fingers and rubbing your skin with the washcloth helps promote circulation, while the oil removes dirt and toxins below the surface.