Last night, Eyeshadow Government visited Times Square, and met a gaggle of lipstick-ed, luscious-ed, and generally dazzling ladies at Sephora (details later!).
On the outskirts of the posse, I espied Zineb, 22, who hails from Casablanca, Morocco. With her transfixing almond eyes and easy-going demeanor, she embodies elegance, kindness and grace. Perhaps it was only natural to meet such a gorgeous person at the crossroads of the world.

This is her post-makeover, but I don't think that she needs a lick of makeup.
On the outskirts of the posse, I espied Zineb, 22, who hails from Casablanca, Morocco. With her transfixing almond eyes and easy-going demeanor, she embodies elegance, kindness and grace. Perhaps it was only natural to meet such a gorgeous person at the crossroads of the world.

This is her post-makeover, but I don't think that she needs a lick of makeup.