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Mane Attraction

I think landing the right hairdresser is harder than finding a boyfriend in this city. Certainly, there are many talented folks who know how to chop and snip in New York, but it's so hard to tell if the stylist is, in fact, "the one."

Russell at Tommy Guns fixed my hair in a quite glorious fashion a few months ago, and I will be returning soon. To review, these are the marks of a good haircut:
  • Handsome young men, unbidden, wave hello to you on the street
  • Evenness and nice proportions
  • A good 'do should not say "hello, I am a haircut" but allow your natural features to shine
  • General public fawning on you for no apparent reason
All this occurred in short order after Russell applied his expert touch to my formerly disastrous hair, aka "The Situation." Not only was the cut brilliant, but he salvaged my hair after my own impetuous DIY meddling (note to self: do not cut your own hair, repeat 50 times a day).

Prices at Tommy Guns are also surprisingly reasonable for the city.

Hop to it, girlfriend:

Tommy Guns
38 Ludlow Street
New York, NY 10002-2240
(212) 477-1151