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Brazilian Wax @ Apronbay Pt 2

Here is the review that everyone have been waiting for! ;p At least I know most of my friends waited for it. They are more interested to find out whether I scream rather than finding out how my hairs is doing.. Let me tell you.. I DIDN'T!!!! In fact I was chatting with my therapist the whole time ;)

It has been 15 days and my hairs are growing out healthily ;p No ingrown and super soft *sound like skincare commercial*

Thanks to Tammy for the unforgettable experience! and thanks to Apronbay for sponsoring.

The night before waxing I was super anxious! I never wax any part of my body before. I am a wax virgin! I am worried I will embarrassed myself by screaming or crying. But I figure out I have nothing to lose except my pubic hair ;p AHHH... what the heck right? To see how painful will waxing be, I bought a box of strip wax and try it on my upper lips. It was painful :( so since I will be waxing my most sensitive and delicate are I times the pain I felt by 10. Well just to be on the safe side. I expect for the worse.

On THE day, I was excited more than scared. I just love the interior design of Apronbay. Lovely. 

Back to my waxing experience. It wasn't a deadly one. The pain you'll feel will depend on your pain threshold. It will help as well if you don't have any ingrown hair. The whole process will go on smoother. The pain was bearable.

Here is the brief explanation if you never go for any waxing before.

You will enter the waxing room. The beautician will give you a wet tissue to clean you delicate area. Undressed and get comfy on the bed ;p Your therapist will use Jasmine oil to moisturize the area that will be waxed and to prevent the wax from sticking to your skin. As mentioned in my part 1, they will use hard wax to wax delicate region of your body. Strip wax will removes a layer of your skin therefore can only be used on an area once. If you want to be really hair free they tend to wax twice on certain are because the hairs just won't came off! My therapist actually start off with the basic bikini shape and going further in. I feel that they are really professional. After every single wax being pulled off she will ask " is it painful? can you take the pain? " She wore glove the entire time! No double dipping!

The temperature is quite warm. As you get nearer to your labia the wax will feel warmer. Don't worry, your therapist will ask you whether the temperature is alright for you. Don't have to worry about getting burn ok?? The wax will be applied like a rectangular shape. A thin one. The other end will be pulled and used as a tab to quickly pull off the rest of the wax *ouch*. The process will be repeated until you got the type of Brazilian Wax that you wanted.
Lastly, for any remaining stray hairs, tweezer will be used. Using tweezer is the most painful part of waxing! Lucky I don't have so many stray hairs left... The remaining pubic hairs will be trimmed (if you choose other than Rio de Jeneiro@ all off).

Do note that my experience above are based on what I went through in Apronbay. Waxing experience might differ depending on which beauty saloon you go to.

A little advise before your waxing session.
 Please go one week after your menstrual. Going during or right after your menstrual cycle could be more painful. For full consultation don't forget to call you beauty saloon. Make sure your hair is long enough to do waxing.

What you should expect during waxing.
Breath in and out normally, Don't hold your breath when the wax is pulled!

After waxing?
All those things should be avoided up to 24 hours to be safe. After waxing your pores are open and vulnerable to irritation and infection! Avoid hot shower (warm is okay), steam room, sauna. Sexual activities is a NO NO. Do not exfoliate. But it is advisable to exfoliate 2 days after waxing regularly (twice a week) to prevent ingrown hairs. Don't go for swimming in the pool or ocean. Moisturize your skin!

Pros and Cons of Waxing

  1. No horrible after shave itchiness! If I shaved, I feel itchy up to 2 days!!!! Waxing is the total opposite! Love!
  2. The hairs that grow back are super soft! Not as pokey when you shaved.
  3. With waxing I need to go within 3 weeks interval or more (vary between individuals) While with shaving I shaved every 5 days! Annoying!
  4. No razor burn definitely! 
  5. Totally all clean! Not even a single hair is spared muahahaha!
  6. People do it for you. All you have to do is relax. Don't have to take mirror and peek at yourself in shower and sprained your neck. Don't laugh! I did that once!
  1. Waxing is more painful than shaving definitely. This is subjective. I say try it once.
  2. More pricey as well. For all off its RM98 (not budget friendly for student) 
  3. You need to have spare time. Some busy working woman might not have time for a 45 minutes waxing session every 3 weeks.
  4. For the first timer you might feel painful. The front part feel a bit sore up to 3 hours after waxing.
  5. Its important to moisturize. I didn't moisturize at all and my skin kinda peel off a little bit.

I prefer waxing over shaving. I will definitely continue to wax. I just love that I don't have to scratch like hell when I go for waxing and no razor burn too.. ahhhh~~
oh if you are curious, I did Rio de Janeiro aka All Off. Yeap I am officially bald down there ;p 2 weeks ago.

Here are the pricing taken from Beauty is Only Skin Deep. Apronbay do import Lotree. A skincare and cosmetic brand hailing all the way from Korea! I am using their anti-wrinkle eye cream and loving it! Check Beauty is Only Skin Deep for few products introduction.

Do call Apronbay at +6-03-2287 8081 if you are interested in making appointment. Support Apronbay here in Facebook.

Experienced waxing before?Share with me!!!
Feel free to ask me anything =D I would be happy to help.