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Sephora Beauty Bazaar.

To let you girls know, I am crying while writing this post.

 I am always in Singapore but I can't make it this weekend!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! I hate myself!!! I hate myself!!! Made arrangement with the BF for him to come over to KL instead me going over to Singapore!!!!!! GRRRR!!!! I am so freaking mad!!! MAD!!! MAD!!! MAD!!!!! Going MAD also now! I heard that they will have a pretty good deal during the bazaar. ='(

Well move on to the announcement now.

Sephora will be having  Sephora Beauty Bazaar @ Suntec Covention Centre Room 301-302 Level 2
(4th November) 12:00 - 8:00pm, (5th & 6th November) 11:00am - 8:00pm

I am already kicking myself because I will miss their Benefit workshop on the 4th November. Now this. =( 

Anybody wanna help me buy stuff? Drop me a comment. Please????

Girls!! don't post your haul from the bazaar!! Or I will be super super super zealous!!!! =(