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Looking for Eyelash Glue ?? (Cecil, CanMake, Koji, Duo, Doll Lash)

Dried up pretty fast.
Stated dries clear but the opposite happens.
Too expensive.
To bulky for dinner clutch.
Smell horrible.
It's glue, but it didn't stick well.

Sound familiar? Or maybe you have one or two more problems to be added to the list?
Since I start wearing falsies, I face the above problems most of the time. It is really annoying!

Have you ever wonder whether the most awesome glue for falsies existed or not? Well I always do.
The first glue that I bought last pretty long. I still have it now but I am no longer using it. The glue last up til now not because the glue was awesome or anything. I used the same glue for over a year because I am to scared to buy a new one. 
What if the new one didn't work as well? Fyi, I don't really read beauty blogs back then and I don't watch Youtube videos as well. (So jakun)

Finally, one day I got pretty tired with that glue and decided to buy a new one.
Since that day onwards whenever I see a pretty reasonable priced glue I will just buy for the sake of trying. 

Now, let me share the eyelash glues that I have tried. 

The first glue that I tried is Eye Put Ti.

I bought this from Sasa at RM29 ( I might be wrong, do double check ) This glue is okay. The glue is long lasting. One thing I hate the most about this glue is the size of the opening and the size of the applicator. Damn huge man!

Noticed the dried glue. Pretty disgusting. =( This is the main problem I have with this glue. The glue always leak out no matter how tight I screw the cap. And the smell.. they are pretty bad! Pretty bad! Plus, after few months, if you apply too much glue on the lash bone the glue don't dry clear.
Repurchase this? Nope. Not going to.


The second glue I bought is from Can Make, I got it from Sasa. At first the glue perform pretty well. But after 2 months using, the glue starts to dry up =( and this glue is not cheap. Its RM32.90 if I am not wrong.

Love the small sleek packaging. The main reason I bought this glue is because of the small opening compared to Eye Put Ti. The opening fits the applicator perfectly. No product gets in and out and clumps at the opening. Nicee...

Not a bad one after all. really. But for RM32.90 I rather buy from Shu Uemura. True or not? By right this suppose to be glue to create double eyelid but the promoter recommend this.


Next one and also my super favourite is Koji glue!!! This glue is awesome. Actually black color glue is more awesome than the white one that claims to dry clear. Not so clear after all. I love black glue mainly because they are black. I feel it enhances the falsies, make the falsies look thicker. Let say you are using falsies with visible knots, like the one from Ardell, the black glue will actually cover up the knots for you =D

 I don't have to use eyeliner anymore! *super big grin* Suitable for lazy people like me! Suitable for people who is always on the go!

One more thing I like about this glue is the price! RM9.90 only. I got this from Sasa as well. Well the bad thing about this glue is it leaks as well. But not as bad as the Eye Put Ti. For the price I can tolerate it =P 

Since it is in tube form, you might accidentally squeeze quite a bit of product if you are applying it straight to the lash bone. What you can always do to minimize the wastage is to apply the glue to a stick ie toothpick and  with the help of the toothpick apply the glue to the falsies. I will definitely repurchase this. In fact I repurchased this twice already. One for my cousin and one for my mum =D


The fourth glue that I tried was Duo Adhesive from Ardell. I bought this from Sephora Singapore at SGD15. Kinda expensive but a lot of people seem to like it so I give it a try.

Not bad. No cons except that I don't prefer white glue =P It's personal preference =)


Another one from the same brand is in dark color.

This one is like greyish brown to me. Urgh..  I don't really like this one because of the color. But this might look good on someone who has brown eyelash. For black eyelash, I prefer black glue. Black glue is better because this one doesn't seem to make any much different when I compare this to the white one =/

So far both of them never leak.

Will I repurchase this? Maybe, I might repurchase the white one. But before I repurchase the white one I might try the one from Koji first =) The Duo Adhesive is expensive lah.


The last one is from Doll Lash. One pack comes in 3 small tube. Great idea actually. Because glue can dry up pretty fast. But I hate the material used for the packaging. Total turn off. I don't really like it because they are too small as well. For me, it took ages to find the glue in my make up pouch! For more organized ladies this size might be okay.

This is retailing at RM13.90 for 3 tubes. Available in Watson. As you can see below it leaks as well. I guess nothing is perfect.

Will I repurchase this? Most probably no unless they change the packaging.

Yeap thats all I have right now =D I hope you benefit from the post =D The Koji Black glue is really my favourite and it is the cheapest glue I have after all. Maybe I should try the glue from Daiso... I'll see how.

I am planning to do a review on heated eyelash curler from Eye Curl II and VS Panasonic eyelash curler EH-2351. hmmmm.....

Disclaimer : This is my personal preference. Some of you might disagree =) Anyway share with me what is your favourite glue! MUST share with me especially if it is cheap!!! =D