Blog Archive

Say NO to bushy........ **cough..cough**

Tammy aka The Plus Size Kitten is looking for 3 missing kakis to join her on her adventurous Brazilian trip. Is she going rio de janeiro? Well we will see :p However if you choose to fly to other destination she is fine with it as well. Your pick. You can choose your favourite destination at Apronbay. Oh did I tell you she will be flying first class?? =P

If you are keen, all you have to do is head over to her blog post and follow the instructions given! Easy peasy!

Departure date is on the 27th November 2010. 
Finding mission will end on 20th November 2010. Be fast!!!

My oh my... Pick me!! Pick me!!! **I hope she pick me!** I want to be bush free =D 
Say hello to super sexy bikini...(I thought bikini is already sexy..)