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Loreal Luxury Products Division Warehouse Sale ( haul)

Yeap.. I am back.
 Budgeted approximately RM300 for this warehouse. I definitely succeed in going over the limit and screwing up my budget this month. Well, I bought pretty a lot. So if any of you pretty girls want any of these let me know =p Lol.  I regretted already... Not even 24 hrs... This is what I called warehouse sale disorder.

I was super semangat, even though I was super tired. Woke up so early and join this people to make the queue longer. The warehouse sale started at 10am and I reach 9am. Don't compare this with Estee Lauder.. Not comparable onelo hor....

Below are my hauls... Enjoy the picture. Print them out and stick them on the wall. I think I will do so. To remind myself not to shop anymore. If you are interested in any of the item email me okay?

The only reason I bought so much cleansing oil is because of one reason. The manufacturing date is January 2010.
I figured out that even the reason sound so retarded after I reach home.

I got sale shocked.. So I bought so many eyelashes that I definitely won't use unless  I replace Tyra Banks which will never happen......

Two way cake are for friends.. only the cream foundation is mine...

The mark cealer. This is the darkest colour I could find =( 

I don't wear lipstick nor lip gloss... I have no idea why I bought this.. Oh I know!!! They are cheaper than retail.....

The lipsticks below are mini size! they are so uber cute!!!!

I've tried the travel size Pro Principle before and love it. But buy 2??? haih... All warehouse price fault. But after calculation I realized that it wasn't so cheap.
Luckily the manufacturing date was February 2009.

So what do you think??? 

I am laughing hard at myself!!

If you are interested in any of the item above email me =D