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Collistar Termoactive Talasso Scrub.

Collistar is a multinational Italian company, specializes in cosmetics and beauty products with exclusive sales channel in perfumery.

What I have here is a scrub, as the name suggest this scrub will provide a warm sensation upon application. This warm sensation will aid the exfoliating and boost up the reshaping process.

This green scrub we have here definitely didn't look much. Even the texture caught by camera doesn't look quite "yummy" to use.

When I read the ingredients and the description given, I was 'wow-ed' to no end. 

  • This scrub contains 90. Yes NINETY types of sea salts for the scrub. (That's hellalotof a sea salts man! )
  • Six phytoextracts with specific lypolitic properties act in synergy to reduce the accumulation of fat. Their effectiveness is boosted by the warm effect which stimulates the skin’s microcirculation
  • By osmotic effect, the sea salts will stimulate the drainage of excess liquids ( I guess helps with water retention as well? )
  • The main ingredients in this scrub will be sea salts, Green Tea, Ivy, Fucus Vaciculosus, Fig Shoot, Actisculpt, Lavendar and Rosemary essential oils and Glycerine.

With this one green scrub you can get three benefits. Revitalizing, Reshaping and Exfoliating.

What I say?

I only had this scrub for 18 days now. So far I have only tried this 5 times (according to the website you are suppose to use this twice a week). Definitely not enough to see the reshaping effect yet for sure. So here is the general review.

Not too sure if you can estimate the textures of the scrub from the picture. But the salt is rather fine. A bit liquid-y overall because of the essential oils. Best used in the shower.

This scrub is to be used on dry skin ( do not wet your skin prior application) . Concentrate more on the area that tends to accumulate fat, ie inner thigh, underarms, and tummy.

Massage the salt in circular upwards motion. Upon applying the scrub on my thigh I can feel the immediate warm sensation that they claim will aid in the skin's microcirculation.
You will definitely feel the heat! I keep on scrubbing gently until the warm feeling is gone and move on to the other thigh, arms and tummy. You can rinse off under the shower.

My skin did actually turn red even when I scrub myself gently. This really shows that the product really works =D  I stray a little bit and actually use this scrub to scrub my knees and elbow. The result is rather impressive! My skin become smooth and supple. 

I just love the essential oils used in this scrub. The smell is super amazing. If you are a big fan of Lavendar smell (like me), trust me you will DEFINITELY LOVE the smell of this product. Super relaxing.

I haven't see any reshaping effect from the use of this product yet. Will use up the product and see whether the scrub can firm up my arms a little bit. If this product really work I will definitely purchase this in the future. 
On the other hand, up to date this product works really wonderful as a exfoliator and skin moisturizer. Thanks to the glycerine and essential oils!

You can get this product from Sasa at RM145 for 700g

Disclaimer : This product is a deluxe sample 150g given free for review purposes by Sasa.