So Unlucky!

I hate you!! I hate you!! and I hate you!!! =(

I am SERIOUSLY gonna let my frustration out!!!

I was in Sunway Pyramid last Saturday (I am always there. They should pay me for being a loyal visitors!)
When I enter from the main entrance, there is this red carpet thing and paparazzi cardboard like figures with flashing lights. They have this Fashion month events going on. So, I look around for stage set up since it is Fashion month there must be a Fashion Show I assumed. Boy, how wrong I was!!!!

No stage?? Okay I ignored. We head off to Forever21, nothing nice. Then to Topshop, nothing nice either. Then lastly to Miss Selfridge. Since I enter, I have been saving Miss Selfridge as the last stop because I know I will buy something from them. They have this BIG ass 50% OFF poster on the glass! How to ignore??? Tell me..  Walked in and spend RM200 ++ for 3 clothes!!! Bargain ain't it??? =D 1 dress, 1 top and a blazer. Then walk around and shop some more. Then went home around 3.30 pm.

 At 5 pm, I decided to buy Scrabble. The travel version. So at 5.30 pm I went Sunway Pyramid again (alone BF sleep at home like babi baby.)  to buy Scrabble in Popular. Then went off. From my condo it is only RM5 taxi trip =D.  

Then at night, about 8.30 pm decided to go Pyramid AGAIN for dinner. Planned to watch movie. On the way to the cinema is when I realised what I WILL BE missing!!!! 
They have this leaflet that says

 "Spend RM100 and above in a single receipt and take part in the We Pay Your Fashion Bills & Fashion Spree Contest!"

"Spend RM300 and above in 2 receipts and get a free makeover with photo shoot. There are prizes to be won and the Best Cover shot will become the next cover girl."

Shit you!!! For not putting up banners big big at the main entrance!!! The really annoying part is on that day itself I went pyramid 3 TIMES!!!! And when I found out about the photo shooting appointment I don't have my shopping receipt with me and it was 9.30 pm already!!! AND the receipt is only can be claim on that day itself =( Ughh...


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